queenofnothing17's reviews
260 reviews

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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This book lived up to my expectations and then some. Holly Black truly has an amazing style when writing of faeryland.
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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I am VERY UPSET! I honestly don't know why I subject myself to this. I get my hopes up, only for it to be torn away and SMASHED TO FRICKIN PIECES!
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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Holly Black is what some may call cruel to her readers. Leaving them on edge until she's done with whatever story she has planned. She makes it span several books just to torture us into believing something completely different from what will actually happen. BUT THE PAYOFF AT THE END OF THE SERIES IS SO WORTH IT I WANT TO CRY A RIVER AND DROWNED IN IT!!!

This book could not be a more perfect ending to The Folk of the Air. Her character development throughout the whole series is without flaws in my eyes. Her plot is engaging and has as many twists and turns as the maze on Locke's estate. Lastly, it has such a nice balance of action, scheming, and romance (because let's be honest, what would we do without hot faerie boy romance to distract from our lackluster/nonexistent ones)

If I could, I would rate this book a 20/10 but I only have 5 so it'll have to do.
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger

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This book was amazing and completely un-put-downable. I read it in one night
Exile by Shannon Messenger

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This book was just as good as the first and the character growth was phenominal.