It was a nice finish for the story. I would have liked for all of them to be a bit longer to get more into the world.
I can't help bit compare it a bit to The Captive Prince trilogy, as it was a similar setting to this one (without elves and orcs though). I liked the world building a lot in that one and it was a bit lacking here. Everything just happened really fast.
All in all it was an alright story with a bit of spice.
Zorvut being able to find his real father and getting taught by him was so sweet. The plot was not the most interesting, but it'll kick up in the third book.
And of course that idiot hasmd to show up afmgain and ruin everything. He just doesn't get it, does he?
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I finally got around to reading it. Apart from the plottwist being predictable, I really enjoyed it and I already have the second one ready to continue their story.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Eine sehr spannende, persönliche Geschichte. Als ich begonnen habe, habe ich nicht erwartet so viel über den Vietnamkrieg zu lernen. Was aber an sich sehr gut war, weil ich bisher kaum etwas davon wusste, bis auf den Namen.
Die Entwicklung von Kiêu war spannend mit anzusehen. Das Ende hat mich fast ein wenig überrascht, aber ich freue mich für sie und hoffe, dass sie glücklich wird.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Anfangs hat mich da Buch ein bisschen eingeschüchtert wegen der Seitenzahl. Doch sobald ich angefangen habe, konnte ich es nur schwer wieder weglegen.
Ich bin so froh, dass ich direkt den Sammelband geholt habe, anstatt ein Buch nach dem anderen, direkt weiter lesen zu können war so nötig bei der Geschichte.
Es gibt ein paar Trigger Themen, also auf jeden Fall die Content Warnings lesen.
Wie hier als einer der Tags für das Buch Lighthearted steht, verstehe ich nicht, weil es war alles andere als das.
Alles in allem eine tolle Geschichte und ich würde so gerne noch mehr in der Welt lesen und was nach dem Ende passiert.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This was such a fantastic story! I love the trope and it delivered so much more.
The battle between what you want for yourself and what's expected of you, was depicted so well. Ruben and Zach being able to find themselves and be who they want to be.
Also Angel's story line sounded so realistic. Getting sick of being talked over and hiding your personality for show. His ways of coping were unhealthy and I'm so glad he got help, even if he didn't realise he needed it at first. I'm so glad he got better. Jon is such a good friend even if it is not appeared right away.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
When I was listening to the podcast this arc was not my favourite, because the racing part kept dragging a bit. I loved it in the comic though. And the storytelling in this one is amazing! Griffin did such an amazing job creating it and Carey Pietsch illustrated it beautifully.
Hurley and Sloane are such a lovely pair and I cried when they reunited forever!
I bought this book on a whim after seeing it online. I love mer stories and if it's queer even better!
The story was pretty straight forward at first, but of course it couldn't stay that way. Fake dating never works out. I really enjoyed it, there was a bit too much miscommunication for my liking.
The ending did it for me, even if I was hoping for something different, I'm so glad the author decided to end it the way they did.