rartastic's reviews
416 reviews

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

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I saw the movie adaptation of this book before I knew it was a book. I am glad that I saw the movie first, because I liked it very much. If I had seen the movie after reading the book, I would have been irritated at the changes. This way, I have two versions of a delightful tale to enjoy.

Faerie is a wonderful land. I hope one day to visit it again.
Folly by Laurie R. King

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As I was putting this book back on my shelf, all I could say was "She's GOOD!"
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection by Arthur Conan Doyle

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I should have counted this as several different books instead of one gigantic book. I mean dang.
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics by C.S. Lewis, Walter Hooper

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I love reading C.S. Lewis and am so grateful for his mind.
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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I'm not usually a fantasy reader, but I got hooked, absolutely hooked, on page 163. That is a testament to the quality of the story - that I would make it that far before I committed, and that one small scene would grab me so strongly.