Kitty is quite prickly, determined to make a great match during the London Season to secure her family’s future.
Radcliffe is the older brother of her intended fiancé, and he will not let her ruin his family.
What ensues is a collection of crazy antics and quick banter. With great supporting characters like Archie - quite goofy and oblivious - we actually get good subplots as well.
Not the book for me. The first half just dragged on. The second half definitely picked up, but it still didn’t leave me feeling satisfied at the end.
This book represents the gods in their usual selfish, greedy, slimey manner. Zeus and Poseidon are just casually raping women and leaving them to deal with the consequences. Random children popping up everywhere.
Athena was spoiled and a little unhinged, but she was mildly entertaining. Perseus was an idiot the entire time, even more selfish and uncaring than the gods most times. As per usual, I can’t fucking stand Zeus.
I usually enjoy a Greek Mythology retelling, but this completely missed the mark. I thought we could get more Medusa, but instead she was just screwed over by the gods time and time again.
I think this may be my #1 book of the year. I experienced an entire range of emotions. I caught myself - on multiple occasions - giggling like a little girl. At other times, I was shedding tears - happy and sad alike.
I am going to have to read it again just to highlight every snarky nickname Iris came up for Roman C. Kitt.
Watching the bond form between the two, and Roman’s unwavering need to protect Iris, was so beautiful. Theirs is a relationship to withstand time and distance.
I will definitely be rereading when the sequel comes out. I wish I could experience for the first time again.
I was very happy with this ending. It took us three books of nonsense with these sisters for them to come to their senses, but it proved to be worth the wait.
I absolutely adore Scarlett and Julian. Their love for each other is pure and somewhat childish, but I love how obsessed he is with her. I do wish she had stuck with the game just to make him sweat, but I’m glad they worked through it all to come out stronger.
Tella is over here kissing on all the cute boys. I know it wasn’t strictly her fault, but she drove me nuts flip flopping between Legend and Jacks. In the end, Legend won her heart and I’m actually happy with that.
Although I feel for Jacks, I know his story is only beginning. Now I head to reread OUABH and TBONA before A Curse for True Love is released.
V.E. Schwab does such amazing world-building, as well as character-building. We get such a detailed account of the four Londons and the difference in magic between them.
I immediately loved the banter between Kell and Lila and can’t wait to see more. I already love these characters so much, I know it’s going to be a crazy ride.
Such a fitting end to this story. The world was saved, but not without surmountable loss.
I wish these characters did not have to suffer so much to get the endings they deserved, but it made this story that much more beautiful.
We got magic, friendships, family, and love - but not without betrayal, death, torture, and suffering.
Kell and Lila sail off into the sunset, while Rhy and Alucard spend their time loving each other at the palace. None of them thought they would end up where they did, but they all absolutely deserved it.
V.E. Schwab has a gift for making you fall in love with the characters and with the world in her stories. I’m sad for this ending, but I know we will return to this world soon with her new series.
I’m glad Lila got her own storyline in this book, but she can be a really terrible person.
It’s hard to fault her because of her life up until this point, but she is constantly dragging others down with her. She’s selfish and impulsive and I hope to see growth in the final book.
I absolutely adore Alucard Emery, and he makes a great match with Rhy. No wonder Kell hates him so much.
I loved the action of the Essan Tasche and getting to meet all the other magicians. The best part of these books are the fight scenes. V.E. Schwab does these scenes so well, you can vividly pictures them in your mind.
This is only the second Sanderson novel I have read, but it didn’t really live up to the hype of his other novels.
The idea was clever, but I don’t think it was planned out well enough. The idea of the handbook was incorporated but didn’t seem to mesh well with the other elements of the story.
The best part of the book was the found family. No matter what Johnny does, these people he met in a random dimension he shouldn’t have landed in just accept him. He finally discovers who he is when he’s been searching in all the wrong places in his own dimension.
I’m not writing Sanderson off yet, but I do hope his other works are more satisfying.
After suffering through Scarlett’s POV in the first book, I was glad to get a story from Tella’s perspective.
Tells doesn’t romanticize the world as much as Scarlett, but she’s not without her boy troubles.
We finally get to meet Jacks. Having read OUABH first, I already had my opinions formed of him. I’m definitely rooting for him to end up with Evangeline, so I wasn’t too upset that Tella did want him. It sure allowed for amazing banter though.
Dante/Legend can be extremely frustrating, but you see glimpses of his feelings for Tella. I love the teasing and the banter between the two.
I also really enjoy seeing Scarlett and Julian’s relationship from Tella’s POV. From Scarlett’s perspective, the reader might also question whether it is all real, but from Tella’s perspective you can really see how much Julian cares for Scarlett.
This installment was much better than the first and I’m looking forward to Finale. I think I’ll actually read OUABH and TBONA again before the last one comes out.