I put off reading this for several years because I thought it was chockablock queer pain and transphobia... completely wrongly. (Thanks, Jessica W, for setting me straight!) Loving, joyful, easy to read, just a delight. LOVED the drag journey. FYI: No explicit sex on page; some weed/drinking and talk about sex but honestly something I'd share with my middle school niece.
I have a feeling this one is/will be super polarizing, but it was a win for me! I felt like I couldn't tag for funny without also tagging for sad... but I didn't want to not tag for funny, since there were specific moments that made me laugh out loud.
Sweet, quirky, not too saccharine for me, and I got sucked in immediately after not having had that experience for a while. Not for everyone but a really great little book for the right reader.
Oof way not for me. I loved the concept but the feelings either weren't there or just didn't work for me... I was baffled by the attraction and the sex, honestly. Glad it works for others tho!
I'll read anything Alexa Martin writes if only for the outstanding lady friendships. This delivered on those! Otherwise, prob my least fave of hers - I think enemies to lovers just really isn't my jam. I got so frustrated with all the characters -- except her parents -- and Collins just drove me nuts. Not my jam, but if you like enemies to lovers this might be yours!
Well, that was FASCINATING. 4.5 stars -- some of the humor was a little too corny even for me, and I wasn't in love with the cartoons -- but rounding up for how purely INTERESTING it was. I learned so much!! I was disabused of so many incorrect ideas that I'd half learned or just thought I knew or that hadn't been discovered yet when I was taking science classes! I have already shared so many facts with so many people and I literally just read it all that! Highly recommended (and probably several of you will be getting a text or message from me shortly about how you or your kids should read it.)
Fantastic setting, great cast. I really like a character driven second chance romance, though I'm a little worried that they could use therapy rather than relying on excellent sex.
Meh. I liked the AYPE setting and the specificity of Seattle! And I'm always into it when my students rec books that they love - although this wasn't for me, clearly it was for them.
Totally not for me, though. From the first page, this was unrelenting whump; Wilhelm was the ultimate woobie. Needed much tighter editing, dragged on, hardly any character growth, and honestly it was hard to appreciate any of them by the time we got to the big-action ending. 2.5 stars, rounding down for how much I wanted it to be over.