readingwitherin's reviews
434 reviews

Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner

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Book includes
- professional women's soccer
- drama
- sapphic romance

Our main characters of Grace and Phoebe are characters that are very realistic which was so nice to see in a romance book. No one was perfect and no one just came in and saved the day, instead the romance was real and messy and I loved it because of that. We have Phoebe who is kind of the golden retriever and just full of energy and the life of the party, and then we have Grace who is more serious and does not like to party at all it seems. One of my favorite things about this book is how these two balance each other out and help the other see things that they had missed. 

Overall I enjoyed this book. It was fun, and a nice romance that had a ton of soccer information that was explained so well. One of my favorite things about this book is how it touched on the fact that just because you love something so much and you've always done it and you've put everything towards it doesn't mean you have to stick with it. If you want to move on and trying something else you can and thats okay. I think thats something important that we all need to remember and hear at times and I'm so glad one of the characters heard that and was able to make a choice about something that she had previously felt stuck in. 
Immortality: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz

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Immortality is a sequel to Anatomy. Sadly for me this book did not live up to the first one for me. 

Immortality tells the story of our dear Hazel who is a physician (not a loud for a woman during this time), and she is able to save people that others have written off. This is what leads her to be in hot water and gets her arrested, but due to her healing abilities, she is requested to become the physician for Princess Charlotte as nobody else has been able to heal her from a mystery illness. Once at the palace she quickly catches on that things are not what they seem, but she does her best and starts coming up with ways to heal the princess. In her free time she gets to spend time with the other Royal physician and even gets to meet a secret society who requests her as they think she is one of them. Little do they know that she isn't the one who took the Everlife eliquir in the first book, and instead gave it to her beloved Jack. 
Between this secret society, still looking for Jack who she has not seen since she saved him, and trying to save the Princess Hazel is a little bit busy in this one. 

Overall this book was okay to me. It felt like at times it was trying to hit a lot of tropes and catch on to the hype with Queen Charlotte and Bridgerton that was going on around the time it was published. Maybe thats just me reading too much into it though. I still like Hazel as a character and how she is able to keep her morals and convictions despite those around her trying to get her to break and do terrible things. However I also felt like this book was just trying to do too much, and if it had just focused on the secret society and the princess it would have been better in my opinion. 

I think if you loved the first book in this duology, you probably won't love this one as much. 

You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

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This book was such a confusing book at times with all the different pov's and the interviews. So many secrets were being kept in all of them, and it was so good, but definitely one you have to pay close attention to. 

In You're Invited the main character that we follow is Amara who has returned for her former (maybe still current) best friend's wedding to her ex-boyfriend. Now this entire time Amara is dead set on stopping the wedding by any means necessary. Why? We have no real idea besides that Spencer is not a good guy for some reason. It isn't until the story slowly unfolds and we get to see things from the past that we start to see why Amara does not like Spencer. Along with this we also see Kaavi's pov and see her family's life and all that Amara has missed while she is away. Which was a lot, and a lot of pent-up anger is happening to several different people in Kaavi's family. 

Overall this book while confusing at times, does keep you on your toes and wanting to find out what happens next. With so many secrets and pent-up anger anybody could have caused Kaavi to go missing and potentially harmed her. The ending itself is one that surprised me and I gotta give it to the author as they did an amazing job of keeping all the twists and turns coherent and making it so they all connect in the end. No loose ends for a change which I am so happy about.

I cannot wait to read something else by this author! 
The Ladies' Midnight Swimming Club by Faith Hogan

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We follow three different women all going through different stages of life. One has become a widower, one has been diagnosed with cancer, and one is starting over after a divorce. Together they make the midnight swimming club for a little escape from real life by swimming in the ocean when no one else is around. 
This book is a great story of friendship, love, and loss. 

How I'll Kill You by Ren DeStefano

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How I'll Kill You includes:
- Sisters
- Serial Killers
- Mentions of Foster Care
- Family Drama

How I'll Kill You is a book that I was excited about because of the premise of it. However, it ended up falling a bit flat for me it ended up being more of a romance story, than a thriller in the end.

Lisa is the oldest sister and very much in charge of everything, Moody is the middle sister, and Sissy the one we get to see everything from is the youngest. This group of triplets has killed at least 6 men with the older two having done most of it, and Sissy cleaning up the mess and helping hide the bodies. With the sisters now saying that it is Sissy's turn to pick a mark and do the killing the pressure is on. When Sissy chooses Edison who she meets at church she very quickly ends up falling for him and getting involved in his life. She is also making friends with the neighbors and starts to question why they are doing all of this.
It became clear to me as the book went on that Sissy didn't want to be doing any of this, and instead started to see the chance to have a normal life with Edison. However, the sisters have other plans, and make it Sissy has to make a hard choice, one that will change all of their lives forever.

Overall I think this book was okay. It has a lot of thriller-ish moments, but it is not scary, nor do we really see any of the serial killings that are mentioned. In my opinion, like I mentioned previously it is more of a romance with a side of the serial killing and thriller parts added in here and there to break up the romance.

If you want romance with a side of thriller then this book will be great for you.

Fractured by Karin Slaughter

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Fractured tells the case of a young girl who is murdered in her home, the mother allegedly kills said murderer when she comes home and finds them still in the house. Another girl is missing, and no one seems to know how the murderer is connected to the victim and who took the other missing girl. 

Overall of the two books I've read in the Will Trent series so far, I enjoyed this one more because we start seeing more of Will. We see how he is as a detective but we also get more of his personal life outside of that. The cases themselves are always gruesome it seems when it comes to the ones he gets assigned and this one was no different. What was different is how it connected to his past and brought up old feelings/memories that he thought he had dealt with already. I feel like we started to see Will grow more as a detective and as a person in this one. 

XOXO by Axie Oh

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I'm not going to lie one of the reasons I picked up this book was because I needed a book with x to complete the A-Z reading challenge this year. 

XOXO is a very cute book. Jenny is a character that you root for throughout and I really enjoyed it and how she was focused on her own future, while also caring about Jaewoo and the other friends she makes in South Korea. I loved Jenny's family and how she got to meet and interact with her grandma whom she knew next to nothing about and it explains some of her family dynamics a little more which helped her understand why her mom wants her to stay focused on cello instead of boys. 

Overall this story was fun. It's like a lot of other ones that involve a regular person, and a pop star which makes it fun. We see Jenny grow as a person and as a musician and that was wonderful to see. While I wasn't the target demographic for this one I was still able to enjoy it and see why it is so popular and finally understand K-pop a little bit.

Summer at Mount Joy by Ophelia London

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Summer at Mount Joy includes:
- Dual POV
_ Renovation of a Ranch to a Dude Ranch
- Military veteran turned cowboy
- Second-chance romance
- Slow-burn romance
- Mental Health (PTSD) rep
- Closed-door romance 

Overall this story is a bit of a slow start with how Josh feels about Roxy and how things are a little tense between the two. Once they start working together though you can see they make a great team. This doesn't mean they don't have any more ups and downs, because they do, in fact, a lot at times with how they try to avoid certain things and have to work through stuff. This renovation is a great distraction for both of them as they work through the relationship and see if they can be more or not.

This book is great for people who want a nice romance that is closed-door and has a cowboy.

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

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Going into this book I was a little nervous because of all the hype surrounding it. City of Brass lives up to the hype and I am so glad I buddy read it with @mistysbookspace
For being a high fantasy book it was so easy to follow along with. I loved seeing both Nahri and Ali’s povs and how they ended up coming together towards the end of the book. 
I did enjoy Nahri pov a little better because we got to see more of how the city of brass worked, her powers, and learn about the history of this world. 
Ali’s pov was more about the royal and political side while interesting, didn’t help me learn much about the fantasy side of things. 
The different elements of fantasy and folklore mixed together beautifully and I loved seeing the world it created. 
Overall I’m so glad I read this book and I cannot wait to see what happens next because I have so many questions!

Dive Smack by Demetra Brodsky

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This book does start a little slow, and gradually gets better by the 50% mark and has you hooked on trying to figure out what exactly is going on. The end itself is very much a thriller when you find out all that has been going on this entire time, with very few people knowing. Our main character Theo is a diver and has lost both of his parents in the past few years and is now living with another family member. With this, he is understandably upset but uses his diving as an escape until he can't anymore.

Overall, it's an interesting book and I'm glad I decided to pick it up.

- Strong male friendships
- Diving
- Mystery that isn't done that often in YA that I've seen.
- Importance of Family