reallyblxndes's reviews
215 reviews

After Anna by Lisa Scottoline

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This is a slower read. It's in the point of view of Maggie, the mother of Anna, and her husband, Noah. It jumps back and forth starting from the murder trial for Annna and going back between present and past time. Each chapter is switches from Maggies perspective to Noah's. This style of storytelling was really interesting and keeps the slow moving plot engaging. And just when you think you know something... nothing is as it seems. It's a solid book.

Spoiler absue, child abuse, sex trafficking, murder, sex abuse
Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher

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The tv show has given 13 Reasons Why a really bad name. I, like many others watched the tv show before I read the book and the show left such a bad taste in my mouth I almost never read it. It is an easier read (I read mine in an afternoon at Barnes and Noble) and takes place over one night, unlike the show. Asher handles the difficult topics carefully with grace. It was not as triggering as the show was and there are some distinct differences. I enjoy the use of Hannah's tapes as the storytelling along with Clay Jensons narration in the present day. Even though most of the actual plotline is through Hannah's retelling, she has a map sent along with the tapes so people can go place is place through the small town and you can feel the scenery through both perspectives: past and present. It was a good read and distinctly different from the show.
Sad Girls by Lang Leav

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This book had me f***ed up. I'm writing this review a year later. My sister sent me the book and told me to give it a read and I went in blind. I didn't even read the back. I'm not sure what I thought it was about but nothing that happened I expected at all. The ending has stuck with me even two years later. Both of the main characters are extremely flawed. If you struggle with characters that are not good people, this is not the book for you. I would also recommend looking at the trigger warnings before picking this up as well. I enjoyed the plot and enjoyed characters; Leav does a great job writing an interesting storyline that holds its own against other stories about young sad girls.
Women Don't Owe You Pretty by Florence Given

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This was an excellent book that I found quite healing. I am her age at the time she wrote the book and it felt incredibly relatable. Given doesn't only speak about the issues but she too gives resources and advice how to fix the issues within ourselves. How to be assertive, kind to the world, and unlearn our biases. It's an easier read, making it accessible to all women of all ages, regardless of their level of expertise in feminism. It refrains from too many big words for the sake of it and has a glossery in the back if needed. A book women of all ages need to read, especially younger women.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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I know this book is one that is very problematic . Younger readers should wait to read this book until they're older and have the capability to understand the themes. Since it's in the perspective of Hubert Humburt and not Lolita, the story can be misconstrued if they're unable to decipher the fact he is sick in the head. He is not normal or okay . Getting that out of the way, I love an unreliable narrator. Nabokov is a wonderful storyteller. In Herbert's point of view it's a tragic love story and the lines that are crossed are blurred. For Lolita it's a story of escaping her abuser. It's a solid read and one of the classics I enjoy. If it wasn't so problematic I might've rated it higher...
Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale

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Not only was this terribly sad but I had hoped for a better ending...
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

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Riordan's writing style in The Lost Hero I prefer much more than I did the previous series. The different narrators really do the storytelling justice. Riordan knows exactly when to have each character narrate, even when it seems off. I was very skeptical with Percy's presence missing and the new characters introduced, however, I throughly enjoyed this book. I absolutely adored Piper and Leo from the start but Jason took a little while to grow on me. Do not let the different writing style or Jason turn you away! It is a perfect entry to the next series.
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

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This was another great entry to the Percy Jackson series. The storyline was captavating; I could not put the book down! It's the perfect Sequel to Titan's Curse!