rebeccasreadingrambles's reviews
2840 reviews

On Spine of Death by Tamara Berry

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LOVED IT! I have been putting this off because I loved the first book so much and was afraid that this wouldn't live up, but IT DID. It was fabulous and totally different from the first book. Tess and Gertrude have the BEST dynamic and banter and mother-daughter relationship. I love their team and how they work together but also in their own ways. Tess is her self-confident, quirkly, daring self and I loved all her interactions with both her friends and also romantic interests.  The characters in this series are just so vibrant and fun; even the "villains" or people you "shouldn't" like, but you (and Tess) can't help but vibe with. I lovedddd the concept of this mystery and it took turns I never would have expected.

Such a fabulous series, perfection and I can't wait to continue!
Death at the Sanitorium by Ragnar Jónasson

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I love nordic noir crime novels and this one my very favorite author of this subgenre! This book had all the hallmarks of a creepy story without being outwardly creepy; just something about the writing that makes you know something is quite off with everything even though it seems straight forward.  I loved the flashbacks, the amateur author detective who pushed the boundaries, and intriguing but slightly vague characters (many whom you love to hate), and the twists (HELLO THAT ENDING?!) A great nod to the classic mystery writing Agatha Christie. I also loved seeing Hulda from the Hidden Iceland series.

Note: AUDIOBOOK was really well done and I highly recommend especially for the name pronunciations

Thanks to the publisher for a free audiobook copy; my review and thoughts are my own.
Fall for Him by Andie Burke

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YES! I loved this book. I listened to the audiobook and could not stop; I finished in one day with TEARS IN MY EYES.  ADHD rep, good communication (after the initial misunderstandings), a renovation, ONE BED, the best spice and the best couple. This was beautifully written and even the side characters were vibrant and interesting and just overall a fantastic read!

Thanks to the publisher for a free audiobook copy; my review and thoughts are my own.
Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty

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This book was so good and so unexpected. I have to admit that I was VERY nervous about how this book was going to go.... I was worried for the characters and that it was going to be very emotional and depressing.  Well, it WAS emotional! But not in the way I thought. It was more because I grew so very attached to the main characters than being with them through their life was emotional in itself. And Cherry! Wow she was so interesting and I absolutely loved following her through her past (which is what prompted a lot of the tears).  Such an endearing character!

I love the premise and the idea of what you would do with your own mortality staring you in the face and I love the way the different characters reacted and processed and the decisions they made.  This is one of my FAVORITE authors and she has really honed her craft of understanding and presenting realistic humanity (with all the drama, and laughs and emotions that accompany that).

Note: I listened to the audiobook and this is one of my FAVORITE narrators and I highly recommend it!

Thanks to the publishers for a free ARC and a free audiobook copy; my review and thoughts are my own/.
The Wrong Bride by Catharina Maura

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Wowwwwww.  Immediately hooked. I could not put this down and I stayed up super late to finish this last night because I could not get enough. Of the writing, of Raven and Ares, of the drama and the spice and the storyline.  Such a unique situation and I love everything to do with this arranged marriage storyline. Blow after blow kept coming and I loved how real everything felt; all the reactions made sense without being melodrama.  This was EMOTIONAL and I felt the full gamut from love to rage to sadness to hope.  This is a new favorite romance author for me and I cannot wait to read more about the brothers!
The Examiner by Janice Hallett

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This is such a good book! Janice Hallett is both the master of these epistolary thrillers, but ALSO a complete master of this character study. The way her characters come through so vividly just through correspondence is actually amazing. I felt inside their heads the whole time and that I knew them so well, which made the twists even that more shocking. I love how the story was crafted and perfectly pieced together; the different missives were presented to the reader in the perfect order to lead the reader to make certain assumptions and miss others.

I had SO much fun reading this and I stayed up way too late to finish it!

Thanks to the publisher for an eARC; my review and thoughts are my own.
Miss Morton and the Deadly Inheritance by Catherine Lloyd

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This is a delightful series. I am getting more and more connected with Caroline and how her mind works.  Despite everything she has been through, she is more honorable than most of the other characters in the book and caring of others. Though it's frustrating, I love the way she treats her younger sister, allowing her to make her own (bad bad bad) decisions.  Also I love how this mystery centered around a possible new will from her father and the different consequences. As usual her partnership with Mrs. Frogerton was so enjoyable; I love their relationship and banter (and do I forsee a romance with her son?) I was shocked by how everything shook out and how cool, calm, and collected the smart Caroline can be in the face of danger.

Note: I have listened to this entire series on audiobook and I highly recommend that format!

Thanks to the publisher for a free ARC; my review and my thoughts are my own.
Stockings and Spells by Nancy Warren

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I love this series.  It is the coziest feeling series and I have come to really love these characters and fictional Oxford.  And this one had a holiday market - perfect for a wintertime read! I love reading about the knitting vampires, the witchy relatives, and Lucy's own forays into magic.  Plus the mystery was so intriguing and captivating. I enjoy how Lucy will help others no matter what sneaky tactics she needs to employ. I love her partnership with Rafe and also the budding romance with Ian. Overall I loved everything about this super cozy book.

Note: I HIGHLY recommend listening to the audiobooks, they are wonderful and soothing.
What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley

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YES! This is the book we've been waiting for.  Emotion, stunning, hilarious and also tearful, the best characters and the best village and the best writing. I devoured this book and can only hope we will get more (especially after that ending because I cannot wait to see how Flavia goes from there). I loved seeing more of Undine (even thou she irked Flavia) because she provided much-needed comic relief.  This book was equal parts so very cozy and so very heart-pounding.  Flavia is my all-time favorite fictional character and sleuth and so this book was so fun. I was fascinated by the chemical processes and how they were vital to the investigation (also the reference to the mass spec - a flashback to my college days). I love how she works with Dogger and how he treats her as an equal. I don't want to even give one thing away, so suffice it to say that this book is perfection especially if you are a fan of the series.

Note: I listened to the audiobook and I HIGHLY recommend that format for this whole series; the narration is perfection.

Thanks to the publisher for a free ebook copy and free audiobook copy; my review and thoughts are my own.
Wordhunter: A Novel by Stella Sands

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I so enjoyed this book even though it was dark and frustrating and tense. I love how the author ramped up the tension and emotions throughout the book; it gripped me the ENTIRE time. Maggie is a great protagonist; she is damaged, hurting, brilliant, so caring, irreverent and unbelievably strong. I love reading mysteries with a non-law enforcement / non-official person leading the charge and I so enjoyed how Maggie stood her ground even to those who doubted her.  This book made me want to scream and cry at times; sometimes I just wanted to be there and help Maggie, but I loved the dynamic shifts that occur and how Maggie gets her power back.  No matter what she's been through, she is still determined to help strangers and whoever she can.  I did guess the culprit (because I trust NO ONE) but seeing Maggie and Jackson figure it out was fascinating and felt so true. 

I am REALLY hoping this becomes a series especially with that ending (prettyyyyy please!)

Warning, it is dark and as with most books (especially mysteries) make sure you check the content warnings. 

Note: I listened to the audiobook and it was fabulous - highly recommend!