Wow. This is the saddest happy ending I’ve ever read. A memoir of marriage and adultery and brokenness and forgiveness and faith and God and rage. It’s darkly funny and I laughed but cried more and I couldn’t put it down or step away.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Favorite read of the month (best of the first time reads at least…) This is a creative twist on a time travel book: Each year on her birthday (1/1) Oona wakes up in a different year of her life. She gets a letter from the Oona of the year before, and has to navigate life at various ages and stages and try to figure out how it all peices together. There are a couple twists here that I did NOT see coming, and it really made me think about my lived-in-order life. A perfect January book.
I really enjoyed this story, which is both a very well done time travel romance and also a story of grief and finding what it takes to make a life you actually want rather than the life everyone tells you to want.
(This took me so long to read bc my hold lapsed before I finished the audiobook, I read the second half with my eyes.)
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
4.5 Stars I was ambivalent about the first book in this series (thought it had a trick ending and like the author maybe used the MC’s neurodivergence only when it was convenient to the plot). So I have no idea why I was so quick to read the sequel but I am glad I did, it was a better book. Loved the mystery, loved the characters, really enjoyed the listening experience.
I really enjoy this series, a sort of paranormal Sherlock Holmes set in a fictional version of New England in whatever is the American version of the Victorian age. This book (like the first) started slow but about halfway through became nearly un-put-downable.
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. I have never wanted to write fiction, but this book made me want to write anything. It is like a (sarcastic, funny) love letter to writing.