relly's reviews
2290 reviews

The Strangest Forms by Gregory Ashe

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4.25 Stars

Great start to the new series
This is set as a YA book, but it doesn't feel it. It entertained the entire way through as Jack and Holloway moved from clue to clue to find the killer.

I felt for Jack as he navigated a life that wasn't what was planned but was a necessity to keep his fathers job and a roof over their heads. He didn't complain he just did what was needed. I liked that he still kept his mind active and self taught himself things regardless of the fact that he was no longer attending school. He didn't feel as self destructive as some of the other teenage characters I've read from this author so he was more relatable to me.

Holloway was a harder character to get a read on, but think that is because he is so reserved (understandably so when we find out snippets of his past) and we are seeing him through Jack's eyes. Watching him open up under Jack's friendly teasing and the budding friendship was well done so when the breakdown happened it was more powerful. 

the murder mystery was entertaining and while I had an inkling of the murderer, I couldn't work out why or how the guys would figure it out. 

Looking forward to where this series leads
The Bridge of Silver Wings by John Wiltshire

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5 stars

Audio Review

This one ran through all of the emotions.
The first half was brutal and at times really gruesome. It was hard to read in the books but it was awful to listen to the brutality of all of the characters. Well done to the narrator for bringing that out so well.
The boys fought with everything they had and managed to get out of the jungle and return to their lives in London and when all felt like it was returning to norma they fought on a different front and it was a harder fight for Nikolas as he was fighting Ben himself, and the best way for him to win was to let him go and make the mistakes and come to the right decision in his own time.
I felt for Ben here and was impressed with his growth. He drove me nuts at times as he was pushing so much to prove he was the big man and didn't need to be in Nicholas's shadow. He made the right choices when the time came and all was right in the world.
The last quarter nearly had me crying and the emotions that were portrayed were so well done. Here we got to see Nikolas at his absolute lowest and he finally showed his absolute devotion to Ben. It was so good from his point of view. 
Not with the Eyes by Megan Derr

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Thanks Skipper Snowfly Elf

4 Stars

I really enjoyed this instalment of the series.
I liked Oberon and their at times prickly personality. For someone who didn't want to care about anyone they certainly looked out for the anti hero's.
I liked Scone's too, and picked his secret pretty early. 
It was good to see the characters getting to know each other and accept their pasts and what they can't change about it.
I enjoyed the conclusion to their story and how it played out.
Close Enough to Touch by Megan Derr

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3.5 stars

Enjoyable addition to the series. 
This one had a different feel than the other two.
I enjoyed both MC's. Leland's story broke my heart and the fact that he couldn't ever let go was hard.
Byron had made the best of his situation and I loved that he still o this day takes care of people. Its just in his nature

North and Shaw: Out of Office by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars 

Thank you Pixie PaRumPa-Pum Pum 

This is a good collection of short stories that happen in between the books of series giving us a little bit of a further in site to the relationship between North and Shaw.
Enjoyable read 

Declination by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars

And the series ends as we wrap up the slasher storyline.

This one was kind of weird to me, at the start I was plodding along just going with the story and then in the middle I got really engaged and struggled to put it down as the guys started getting somewhere with their investigations, threads came together and it was actually exciting as they tried to stay ahead of the bad guys. Teh only reason I put it down was I had to work the next day. But then the relationship stuff got in the way and the frustration started. 

Both guys are flawed and at times they drove me nuts, I just wanted to get into the book and slap them both. They're both concerned with the killers getting them and yet they have an argument and both go off in different directions on their own and self destruct. 

The ending was good but wrapped up a little quickly and easily. One character was apprehended off page and just mentioned in passing. 

It was still an enjoyable read and I will continue on with the next series
Conscious Decisions of the Heart by John Wiltshire

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4 stars 
Audio Review 
These guys are some of my favourite MC’s, they just work so well together. Where Nikolas can be unbending, Ben will bend to allow Nikolas to be what he needs to be, but when Ben breaks Nikolas is there to pick up the pieces and to take care of his man. 
This one felt like at times not a lot was happening and then bang it picked up the pace and when looking back at the whole it was action packed. The guys were both put through the wringer and pushed to the limits and both rose up to the challenge. Battered and bruised they fought on together. 
Looking forward to the next one 
Code Violation by Elle Keaton

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 3.25 stars 

I’ve read every book in this series and enjoyed them all, in fact I enjoy this authors work so much I’ve read everything she has written, but this one was lacking for me and didn’t engage me as the other books have. 

Carrying on directly from the last book, there is not a lot of recap on the happenings so the reader must have read what came before. Forrest is his usual grumpy self. I did find his about face regarding Nero needed more work. He went from not wanting to have anything to do with Nero and then spent one afternoon together and all of a sudden they are together all the time. I just didn’t feel the chemistry between them. 

I did like Nero and his desire to help families have closure on their loved ones disappearances. I wish there was more on his cousins’ disappearance as it was used as a plot point to get him to town and then he gave it up very quickly and easily. 

I also liked that we have a conclusion to the bones found. This was the entertaining part of the book as the guys were investigating the death of Ned and consequently lead them to help find the killers. Good to see they worked with the local authorities to apprehend them. 

Arc provided by GRR for honest review. 


Triangulation by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars

Great follow up from the last book, where Shaw is still suffering the after effects of trusting Matty. 
I enjoyed that North found some of his feet in this one. Not all the way there but he started standing up for himself, and when it may have been easier to fall back into regular patterns he didn't. He remembered why he was where he was and stuck to his guns.
The guys spent a lot of the time still circling and after so long hiding their feelings neither one wanted to come out and talk about them for fear of the other not reciprocating. But as is life everything moves in a way that is forcing them to acknowledge it. 
The case was interesting. I'll be honest, I really don't like Pari and find her extremely annoying when she has page time. The way she carries on is ridiculous and in no way funny or cute. She deserves to be kicked out into the streets. The fact that she didn't have a lot of page time here worked in this books favour. 
I liked the twists and turns as they worked their way through the case. I'm interested to see what comes of the slasher case as that is unbelievable what they know and what is being covered up.
I wasn't sure how I felt about Jadon, (also not a big fan of the daddy thing) but the ending made me like him a bit, the way he handled Shaw when he was down was well done.
Looking forward to seeing how this all ends.
Love Is a Stranger by John Wiltshire

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4 stars

Audio Review

The fact that I love the boys from reading the eBook kept me hanging on and continuing with this one as the first half was a bit a slog. The power dynamic at the start was a bit out of whack and Nikolas's non communication was hard to listen to. But once Ben started questioning things and Nik's past come out it really picked up
These two like to think they are independent but the honest truth is they are so codependent and only function well when together. Listening to Ben break down Nik's walls and getting him to open up was at times frustrating and Nik's non answers at times tiresome but the pay off at the end was well worth it.  
Looking forward to the next one