robinsversion's reviews
1347 reviews

A Charmed Life by Jenny B. Jones

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Would be a good series if it weren’t for the homophobia and transphobia, Luke the love interest being controlling and abusive and the MC’s pushback to said abuse being the thing portrayed as wrong, the random religiousness and preaching that has nothing to do with anything, the fact that the adults never believe the MC for no other reason than the author couldn’t think of any other way to move the plot forward, the adults being self-obsessed egotistical awful parents yet that’s always brushed aside in favor of the MC parenting herself, and the message throughout the second and third parts of “you won’t be okay until you forgive your partner for cheating on you”. Also, how dare the author steal the name of a beloved children’s character as her pen name, just changing it slightly, only to write this garbage.

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Zombie Dog by Clare Hutton

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 34%.
Between the trigger warnings and how the story was going
with the dad’s irrational hatred of the dog, like, dude, get a hobby and leave that poor dog alone, you paranoid weirdo
, I just wasn’t having any fun reading it.
Poetry of Pain by Linda Martinson

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Everything about this was so heartbreaking, so heartfelt, and so relatable all at the same time. Thank you, Linda, for writing these poems <3