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rowdya22's reviews
137 reviews

Prey by Michael Crichton

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This entire book makes you think like you're watching a techno-thriller movie. The premise is exciting and foreshadowing excellent.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

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An exciting adventure with unique thrills, geek fan service, and incredible nostalgia.
Storm Front by Jim Butcher

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The Dresden Files is a fast paced urban fantasy novel with magic slinging Wizards, Demons, Vampires, Spirits and Cops. Butcher slowly fills in the gaps in how magic works, is governed, and hidden/ignored my everyday people. It leaves you wanting more of the world view and to uncover Harry’s past.

Storm Front begins when Harry is 25, living under the Doom of Damocles (one strike you’re dead parole), has no family to speak of, lives by himself, is broke and being mocked for trying to run a business.

Overall I like the characters. But I did get tired of Butcher trying to make Murphy as tough and feminine as possible. Hopefully his view of what a “strong woman” is will improve in time. She’s said to have small “dainty” features and be porcelain like. The constant “this is a woman in a mans world” was wearing. Then I realized that she was basically Becket from Castle, laughed thinking of Nathan Fillion as Harry and got past it.

Some quick summaries are:
- Harry: Wizard. Hardened by his tragic/dark past. Flawed, broken, poor, desperate, determined and highly logical. Somehow always scrapes by.
- Murphy: Cop. Under appreciated because of her gender but excellent at her job. She uses unconventional means (Hiring a Wizard) to close some of the otherwise unsolvable cases.
- Morgan: Warden for the White Council AKA Parole Officer. Chaotic good. Will kill you if he can prove that you’re bad.
- Bianca: Vampire. Proud and arrogant. Extremely loyal to her own. Desperate to be beautiful.
- Marcone: Crime Lord. Has his own code of ethics and enforces that on his followers. Fair in a strange kind of way.

Storm Front is a great hook and peak inside the world of Harry Dresden. It hints at future encounters while keeping you engaged.

Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

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Harry Dresden back at it. Annoyed that people don't see things the way he does. Maybe it's because they don't have all the information he does? Maybe he should share? No? Just a thought. Harry is taking jobs as normal but always hiding things to protect people. Maybe he will realize it gets them killed more often than not.

Werewolves galore. From the FBI hexenwolves who bond with an evil wolf spirit, a gang of lycanthropes, a bloodline cursed loup-garou and the classic "Alphas" werewolves. All different kinds, all different strengths and weaknesses.

Helping Murphy track down the killer(s) from a string of murders over the last two months Harry comes across all different kinds of theriomorphs and a plot to kill the mobster Marcone as well. This book is a roller coaster with some cool magic that Harry dishes out. With a confusing and emotional ending we get to welcome the Alphas to the magical community of Chicago.