ruekeyronay's reviews
314 reviews

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

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Though this book was definitely entertaining and interesting, I found it to be a bit underwhelming.

The topic of #blacklivesmatter and cop brutality is one that has been talked about many times yet it still persists as clear as day. Now, The Hate U Give talked about all these important things and did it in a way that was simple and understandable, but it didn't give us anything new.

When different people write a book about the same topic, you expect the difference to be in their opinion, their perspective, their point of view. But Angie Thomas had nothing new to say, nothing more to add. It was the same thing we talk about, tweet about and see in the news. So, even though this book was funny and painful and hit the spot a few times, it didn't stand out at all.

And that's why this wasn't a memorable read for me.
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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Okay, so I loved this story and I went ahead and got the rest in the series as well.

But I have to say my love reached its maximum somewhere around the middle. The author's writing style was addicting from the start but I could easily spot some cliches and similarities to one specific book, even though the other book was written years after this one. I coulf fit every character in to a trope. So while I enjoyed Bardugo's writing style much, much more, I was waiting for something to make it stand out for me.

And boy, did it do that.

Now, I've seen alot of people who don't like Mal and I did expect him to turn out like Kilorn from Red Queen but he showed character of his own in some places and even got an 'awe' out of me occasionally.

Many didn't care much for Alina either and it's kinda true, I didn't dislike her at all but I didn't care much for her. She was just there as everything happened around her, gave a snarky response here and there and then went off when it was required. So I hope that changes in the sequel. But I truly enjoyed this book and I looked forward to the TV series.