ryansiriwardene's reviews
439 reviews

Louisiana's Way Home by Kate DiCamillo

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Beautiful writing. I do question whether the target demographic will understand the deeper issues underlined in this book. I loved it.
The Secret Life of Cows by Rosamund Young

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I swear some reviewers write some rubbish reviews on here. This book is about farming life. I respect there are people who do not like eating animals but Rosamund is a farmer. You love and cherish the animals and when the time comes, you kill your stock. Do you think she gets any pleasure out of it. Of course not especially after getting to know the animals behaviour and moods. I love anecdotes and stories. I wish I didn't rush through the book though.
My Love Story by Tina Turner

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Definitely five stars hands down. So personal and beautifully written like Cathy Freeman memoir. I wonder what's the difference between an autobiography and memoir?

Surprised and not surprised about what happened on her supposed honeymoon with Ike.
Hangman by Jack Heath

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I love a love and hate relationship with this author. I hated his junior fiction books. This was all right, I still skimmed a few areas.
Lenny's Book of Everything by Karen Foxlee

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The junior fiction best book ever (shut up harry potters readers)
Endearing although I do question the themea used in this book will be too much for 7 to 9 year old or am I being overprotective as I get older
My Brother's Husband: Volume 2 by Gengoroh Tagame

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Just as good as the first volume. The book was very special and the content would be the perfect example for a text analysis for an English class.
This Will Only Hurt a Little by Busy Philipps

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So candid, real and a quick read. This book had a reservation at my local library even though I borrowed it a month ago. The words just made me flow through the book.
The Lost Swimmer by Ann Turner

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I don't care if my coordinator at work like this book. This book was way too descriptive to the point where I actually skimmed at least 100 pages and still got the narrative.
Why Mommy Swears by Gill Sims

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I haven't had in a good while a book that has made laugh out loud and in public.

God I know where Ellen swears with moronic children and a husband who is living in the 19th century. Jeepers.