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sabrinamonet's reviews
471 reviews
The Troop by Nick Cutter
The story was definitely King-esque. Don't we all get creative ideas from Stephen? I will look out for more titles from Cutter. Eef, Newt, Kent, and Max were realistic and Shelley was every ounce who Shelley had to be. Definitely a character I could picture in a King story. I have to stop comparing now and I do believe that Cutter has his own voice. Fun read.
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones
Good debut. Jones knows where he's headed with his protagonist. I liked the companion towards the end of the novel. Will definitely check out the next two to see where Emily ends up.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
I'm glad my friend, Carlye, suggested this book. It's twisted and fun. I stand behind Amy in all her reincarnations. I completely agree with her about what course of action to take when people cut you off in traffic.
The Wicked Girls by Alex Marwood
For me, it was less twists and turns, and more just a tale of a pretty hard life for one individual. It says something when a cigarette damp from the seaside air is the best part of a life.
Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth by John Robbins
There are a lot of facts thrown at you that I've seen presented in similar books. I think it's important to know, but it's hard to figure out a way to both be conscious about the way food gets to your table and also taking care of yourself. I will think twice always when purchasing animal products.
What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures by Malcolm Gladwell
Gladwell, as always, is brilliant. Reading any of his books is like having coffee with a very intelligent and interesting friend. He makes me wish for better people to hang out with, or to at least become a better person that can entertain myself. His essays read like they were effortless and it always makes me think about similar scenarios I've encountered or thought of.
Ravens by George Dawes Green
Fast read. Shaw and Romeo were characters that made their presence known. I loved Grandma Nell the most. I thought the way the plot played out and the characters reaction to their situation was believable. It doesn't all magically sort itself out after hitting the jackpot.
Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain
It's always fun hanging out with Archie and Susan. Gretchen is a hoot and was funnier in this installment than previous ones. I found myself not liking Leo so much and I'm up in the air over how I feel about this character for future installments. I haven't decided what relationship I'm rooting for either. Cain is always a fast, fun read.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I saw the advertisement for this show on the side of buses in NYC in August and made a note to watch the show. I had no idea how pulled into the story I would get. I got the first book to read what I was missing from the show. The show follows the novel pretty closely and I'm glad I read it. Will probably pick up the next few in the series as well.