salam_'s reviews
572 reviews

عرس الزين by Tayeb Salih, الطيب صالح

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I thought that I was gonna like it, and yes I liked it!

The amazing thing about it is that you can actually live the events and feel it as you read, I personally felt like I attended عرس الزين

Plus, It gives me that feeling of nostalgia :')
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

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My first reaction:
UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH I'm frustrated UGH and mad UGGGHH aww but ughh
My heart is burning right now so I don't think I'm capable of rating or writing a proper review at this moment.. or ever tbh

A few days later I figured that I am able now of writing a proper review, alright;

First off: "The trilogy deserved a better told finale„
The books deserved a better 3rd book.. I’m not complaining about the deaths, they bugged the shuck out of me, i’m just saying it deserved better 3rd book..
But the last moment of the last moments were good, satisfyingly good.."

^ This is someone's opinion about another book that I found describes what I'm feeling.

2nd: Gale or Peeta? Peeta or Gale? Who is Katniss going to choose and how will her heart lead her to that life-altering decision? The Ultimate Question, right? or at least that's what I thought, but it seemed like she only chose Peeta because he was the only one left actually, Gale just POOF left and she hadn't other choice but to 'love' Peeta.

WHY DID THEY KILL PRIM THOUGH! Her death was the worst thing ever! this whole thing was happening to protect her. Katniss volunteered in the first reaping so she could live :( I totally understand why they killed her and the author's plot in all that but I really wanted her to live, for at least all the trouble Katniss went through.
I wanted Finnik to live to..poor soul.

What else? It seemed like everything just kept happening very fast after the arrow on Coin's heart, and for some reason the world didn't seem a better place after the revolution, yes there are no more Hunger Games but it still doesn't look quite fine.
I guess after such a horrid thing the The Hunger Games, the world or at least Katniss's mind will not get peace.

I still can't rate it.
Now I can.
Hard Luck by Jeff Kinney

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I enjoyed it very much. Yes! :)
Laughed along and it was a good fun
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

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Okay, so I kinda took a lot of time reading this book, and that's how it was meant to be read, I believe. It's not the sort of book you engulf all at once, and you hardly can, with all the pain in each paragraph and all the feelings and suffering, you just NEED TO take it slow, give time for each piece of it to be contained completely by your soul.

First of all, "A Thousand Tragedies Per Square Mile" would have been a better and more suitable title for this book, though I love the current one, this indicates what the book is actually about.

I love Khaled Hosseini and I'm a fan of all his work, but this one is my least favorite, but let's start with the good things first:

- Khaled's writing style/ability noticeably improved.
- There were some very good parts of the stories of the side characters, like the twin sisters, and the girl with the brain. There was even moral meanings of every story, an approach to the psychology of human beings, the idea that bad isn't always entirely bad and the best plot twist was Nabi's discovery of the paintings!

What I didn't like was How Khaled started every story from the middle and the proceeded to explain to us what is this, I felt confused in every beginning and then later understood.
And this was primarily why my rating missed a star ^

I didn't like that there were many characters, some were essential yes, but some were just needless, and I wanted to go back to the main story and didn't care much about their story. The thing is, most of them didn't even cross-paths in a life-altering way with the main characters.

This book, like all Hosseini books do, made my heart ache, but it was worth it.
The ending:
I don't know, I simply don't know..
I did like that it was not the expected happy thing that you may say "oh duh" it will happen eventually, but I... don't know.
The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney

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Funny light book :D
It gave me a good laugh when i needed one
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

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So full of events, great plots, and i just enjoyed it though it started out kinda slow or uninteresting.