salemander's reviews
459 reviews

Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga

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the backdrop of colonialism that simmers in the back of this book is so sinister and really creeps up on the coming of age narrative at the forefront. nothing in these young girls lives is untouched by the pervasiveness of imperialism and white supremacy. 
I Survived Capitalism and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt by Madeline Pendleton

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informative, hilarious, heartbreaking, and so painfully relatable. i love tunnel vision, but i won’t lie i didn’t have super high expectations going into this book. i was absolutely blown away by how truly good it is. i will definitely be revisiting! i do kind of wish some of the financial advice went a little more in depth but it gives you enough of a jumping off point to do your own further research, and i feel like rather than trying to give you a “one size fits all” kind of path to financial stability madeline really emphasizes the practice of hope and giving yourself the confidence to ask for the things you need.  

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Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything by Kelly Weill

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this book really surprised me! it was so thoughtfully written, i really appreciated the nuance behind so much of Weill’s writing and you can tell that she has been researching this for a very long time. It was clear to me that even in her disbelief throughout the book she approached everyone with such empathy and kindness and a desire to just understand the “why.” she also still properly expressed the genuine danger and horror of many of the viewpoints, especially when dealing with blatant racism and violence. 
The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi

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this shit absolutely broke my heart, emezi has such a gorgeous way with words. the way they immerse you into these worlds and make you sit in these feelings of discomfort is absolutely unmatched. 

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Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka

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very interesting and also VERY terrifying! 
A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum

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Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement by Ashley Shew

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really good just wanted more explanation on some of the topics! 
Imago by Octavia E. Butler

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this book made me feel so weird!! i am so conflicted!! it is so expertly crafted but i don’t love the way that disabilities are dealt with and the way we delve into such confusing relationship dynamics but do not really confront queer identities. definitely an amazingly done story but i wanted a little more out of some of the topics that were dealt with for sure. 

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