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sarahm96's reviews
640 reviews
After Hours on Milagro Street by Angelina M. Lopez
The smut scenes were weird y’all. Otherwise this would have been a three star
Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto
- Ama! Cameos are always fun
- Cello & violin are two different instruments for a reason?
- Booooo to Thorne & Roses, on multiple levels
- Have I mentioned that I hate knowing when books are based on Reylo fanfic
- All I can picture is Adam driver & he doesn’t really do anything for me
- I wonder if this is actually enemies to lovers or if they just fake hate each other for two chapters before getting in each other’s pants
- Xander does excel at being a raging asshole tho, I’ll give him that
- Wow shocking Xander is very large who could have possibly predicted this
- Now I just have to wait for how small Gwen is 🙄🙄
- Plot twist Gwen is tall!!
- Oh no Xander is a considerate asshole
- Those are the worst
- Oop maybe he’s just an asshole
- Yepp definitely a garbage person
- God forbid someone be pretty & talented
- Man I do not miss sight reading things
- Xander get a life my dude
- Oooooo Xander POV
- Bruh if you think she’s good just tell her?! What is your deal
- Interesting that they would give first chair to Gwen & not the next Fitzgerald
- I get nepo babies & all but he seems qualified? Not to mention tall dark & handsome can also sell tickets
- Found the Star Wars reference
- Why on earth is Xander playing a wedding?! He hardly needs the money
- Oh he’s just here to be an antagonistic little shit. That tracks
- Xander you utter fuckwit why r u like this
- Hmm… the plot thickens
- Xander the knight in shining armour
- I can get behind this
- Nathan gives skeezy vibes
- Why is the idea of a tall dark haired dude breaking violin strings weirdly hot?
- I probably need help
- Gwen my friend you need to form your own opinions & not just blindly follow skeezeball Nathan
- Someone needs to tell Xander how to talk to women because he is V bad at it
- Ughh but he’s right about the Pops & Nathan which makes this extra irritating
- I hate when men are right
- Mei 😂😂😂😂😂
- Oh Alex my dude you are down so fucking bad
- I don’t think I like how this book is written?
- It’s very choppy & jolting
- The Pops losing funding seems v fishy to me… fucking Nathan
- Not really an Ava enthusiast either tbh
- Imagine that, a wild Xander appears, with taco money to boot
- God these two are so fucking awkward it hurts
- Awhh Xander names his instruments
- What a lil’ nerd
- Not sure how I feel about the “being fingered while playing the cello” thing… it was weird
- You know, I’m not usually an advocate for this, but I think a good fucking would do Gwen well
- Okay now we’ve entered weird & confusing
- Why is this making me want to re-read the love hypothesis I stg
- The tension is killing me like my dudes can you just do the thing already
- Oh god Alex you need to cool your jets or Gwen is going to fucking run for the fucking hills
- “She watched his left hand move through the fingering” *snort-laugh*
- Betcha it’s not the kind of fingering Gwen wants to see him do tho
- Gwen my girl you’ve already fallen in love with Xander just give it up
- Xander you absolute little shit finish the fucking song
- Oh this is not going to end well…
- Again with the goddamn henleys that shirt needs to be banned from romance novels forever thank u
- Yeahh the writing of this book gives me whiplash
- « Let me make love to you on stage »
- Honestly these two just need to fuck it out because they cannot function in each other’s presence & it is driving me BATTY
- Alright I will give Julie Soto credit for making me snort laugh on several occasions
- Ahh there we go
- Finally made it to the fucking
- Aaaaaand it got weird again
- I mean, whatever turns your crank, but playing violin to a naked woman who you asked to open her legs is a bit odd, no?
- Oh look they’re actually talking I didn’t think they knew how to do that considering the pair of them spoke 12 sentences to each other before all the fucking
- Ruh roh
- Oop the L word is out there already damn
- Maybe there is something to the weird naked music playing
- Yeahh Nathan is garbage
- Jacob cracks me up
- Damn that was fast to the I love yous but they are obsessed with each other I guess
- This third act breakup is going to be ~terrible~
- Methinks a Thanksgiving breakup is imminent
- Nathan. Fuck. Off.
- Oh no oh no
- I mean that was on both Mabel & Gwen but damn
- Nope I don’t like Gwen in Thorne & Roses this seems off to me
- Would you look at that I was right
- I don’t know if I hate Lorenz or Nathan more, although Alex is currently not doing himself any favours
- Like bruh do not answer the phone while balls deep in your girlfriend I feel like I shouldn’t have to say that
- Ruh roh
- God what is with this fucking skeezy men getting all up in Alex’s business I stg this dude needs to throat punch Nathan & Lorenz oh my god
- Alex you nitwit
- So Nathan needs to be stopped
- Damn Gwen deserves better than these shitheads
- Also
- Ava needs a backbone I’m sorry but she does
- God someone needs to take Lorenz out with a rusty crowbar I swear
- Oh no I am STRESSED
- Yes Gwen fucking get him
- Ahh hello Alex
- Welcome back you useless tool
- Alright I suppose Alex isn’t entirely useless
- Ooooo Ava found her backbone yes we love to see it
- Ha, a Scooter reference & a Taylor’s Version reference
- That was a weird, wild ride