Beautiful stories. I like how there is a continuous narrative, but it takes time to fully tell the stories of prominent side characters. It's also lovely to read about Middle-Eastern cultures in a positive light.
I read this series after watching Squid Game because it was an inspiration for the show. I was enthralled by the plot and characters of Liar Game even though they are fairly repetitive. There were also many times where I had difficulty keeping up with the mind games...
One of the characters is a slimy character who idealizes Hitler "before he went too far" and it made me a bit uncomfortable. He is presented as someone who the reader isn't supposed to like, but he is still a major character.
The illustrations in this series are amazing and visually distinct from typical manga. The characters and their goals are the primary focus of the plot and the conflict is mostly internal and interpersonal. I really enjoy this series and the recent animated adaptation is lovingly faithful to the source. I will admit that the series has only slightly become slower but that's primarily because (potential spoiler) the main character has overcome his original hurdle and the new conflicts that arise feel smaller in importance to that one but I don't think the quality has dropped at all and the most recent arc still has my full interest! Also, as an art student, the setting appeals to me specifically but isn't so specific that laymen would be put off.