Audio book version. It took me a while to realise there were several narrations in this book. I didn't know much about Vietnamese history prior to reading this book. I still don't know a lot, but I'm sad so many people suffered. And I wholeheartedly agree, there should never be another war.
It was okay enough to finish it I guess. But overall kinda meh. Felt too YA for me. Young girl, ancient gods, bla-bla, one of them has a crush on her, she has to die because tradition or something, there's a yikes sex scene, she dies, boom she's a god now too. Still thinking if I want to continue with the series.
Made myself finish this book. I got fed up with gossiping neighbours in the previous one already. But here it continues. I'm not quite sure if it is meant to be funny or is this serious. Also Anne is supposed to be pregnant in this book. Twice! Yet we only get a hint about her going to have the first baby. And her son comes out of nowhere, like no hint at all. Also like she's in labour for the whole night with her first one, but the sentence we get is about her husband coming downstairs after "a night of agony". My dude, what the fuck?! You did not just give birth to a baby, you have no right to speak of agony! Anyways, I won't be continuing the series.
I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It was wonderful ✨ But for some reason I thought there would be more books about her childhood. And here she is a working woman already by the end of the first one 😂
This was not what I expected from the premise. The story was even better. I thought I would hate the second wife, but Nathan is such a piece of human garbage, I can't even.