sonia_reppe's reviews
1293 reviews

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

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Even though I figured things out early on, I enjoyed this.
Lizzi & Fredl: A Perilous Journey of Love and Faith by William B. Stanford

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Very suspensful. Hard to read the last quarter of this book as it details some of Hitler's monstrosities.
Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time by Rob Sheffield

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I didn't get all the music references, but the chapter on Nirvana was awesome. Liked the writing.
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

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Really liked most of this, didn't like a few parts, such as when it creepily turned into science fiction (carnivorous plants) and that wierd metaphorical part at the end—ugh!
While I'm Falling by Laura Moriarty

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Disappointed in this one. Theme is things falling apart: Veronica's parents marriage and her college classes are out of control. Then she makes some bad choices and those get out of control. For me the premises and situations of this book were so unimaginative. Like if the author was in a hurry and said to herself, "Okay, how can I give my character Veronica a really shitty day? Like this: She'll get in a car wreck and she'll throw a party that gets out of control. And I'll have her cheat on her boyfriend so that relationship falls apart." About the characters, the parents were written okay, but Veronica's friend and boyfriend were just there to say to Veronica the exact thing that she needed to help her move along in the story. So cliche. I could talk about all the other cliches, like when the mom moves into a cheap apartment that smells like curry, and the wholesome, charming, highschool homecoming queen who is different now—she is goth. It was so predictable: the cute guy in the dorm whom she hooks up with, and everything else.
The Cross: 38,102 Miles, 38 Years, One Mission by Arthur Blessitt

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