Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Oh Cardan, how I've missed you. It is so good to read his POV, I'm so glad we got this book. I have no complaints other than I wish this was longer, but that's it, no other complaints. Perhaps a bit more of Jude would be good too, but that's it. I like how this is more of a character insight rather than simply having scenes that we've seen before told from a different POV. Not gonna lie, I'd love to get some moments from the other books from Cardan's perspective, but I decided to enjoy what I got and it's pretty good. Also, kudos to the artist! Such cool art that complemented the story perfectly.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Thank you Ailin for sharing this read with me ♥ we should do this more often, as we used to.
Before starting this series, I didn't had much information regarding the books. I knew it was about faeries, that Cardan and Jude hated each other, that Jude had horns (?) and I remember telling my friends that Cardan was quite a ridiculous name and it sounded like a bad villain in a Disney movie. And for the longest time I refused to read this purely on the account of me being really done with faes, looking at you Sarah J. Maas, so I avoided as much as I could while still seeing Cardan and Jude around. But deep down I knew that one day I'd read it. I'm so glad the day has come and that this trilogy proved itself.
The conclusion is not perfect, far from it if I'm being honest, but it gave me enough that I like it regardless of what it lacked. Jude is a great protagonist and I already miss her. And Cardan since the first book has charmed his way into my heart, where he occupies a special place along with his queen.
What a page turner! I could not put this book down, I had to know how it was going to end, I had to know what the next betrayal was going to be, when, who was going to be deceived next, and I'm not let down. Cardan and Jude climbed the favorite characters list pretty easily with this book.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Kudos to McManus for getting me out of the reading slump that The Burning God had put me in. I've tried reading other books because I'm so close to finishing my reading challenge but nothing worked and when I saw this at the bookstore I thought "why not? I really enjoy her books" and it worked, what a blessing. And I enjoyed this one too, not as much as the other ones but still good. The thing is, it could've been great. The premise of the book is good but it lacked exploration, it felt to me that we only scraped the surface of the potential the plot and characters had, which is a shame.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It saddens me that this book did not live up to the greatness of the second book. And it's not that I was expecting it to be better, exactly, but I cannot help but think that Undercover Bromance was the high of this series and the following books will not reach it and that's a bit sad. And I know this makes it sound like the book is terrible, when is really not. It's an entertaining and enjoyable read, with a cute friends-to-lovers relationship, a great family side plot and the characters are good, the plot doesn't drag, the drama is not so dramatic as to make you roll your eyes... But all that being said, something was missing. Guess I simply did not click with the couple as I should to enjoy the book to its fullest. Still, it was a nice read.
Wonderful time, smiling a lot, buddy read with my girls Ailin and Heather, thank you!
I loved this book much more than I expected I would when we picked it for our read, and it was a very nice surprise that I enjoyed it so much. The characters are great, their relationship is the cutest thing and it felt natural and it clicked right away, and I couldn't be more happy about it. The protagonist is quite relatable and while I love her and did relate to her a bit, I was drawn to Porter over our mutual love for weather, ocean currents and rainy days. I love the vibes of this story. The whole beach and surfing thing is much more me than the old movies aesthetic Bailey has going on for her, which is crazy because I've never surfed a day in my life but I love it regardless. It was a lovely surprise that said vibes was present in this book (I should definitely read more books like this). And more than that, I was super invested in the relationship. It was great to see it unfold, many cute and lovely moments that made me super happy. Overall it truly exceeded my expectations.