Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Damn those last pages really got me... A solid sequel with good characters and interesting plot. Not as good as the previous two books, but definitely worth the read.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
An easy and cute read and I could have given it 3 stars rating but if I'm being honest, it wouldn't be fair to the first book I've read by these authors, which was If I'm Being Honest and all its greatness of a contemporary YA. For a debut, this is good. It has the cute, the fun, the somewhat lesson... And I'm very glad to see how much they improved on their second book.
This is so good and I'm so glad I decided to read it.
The moment I saw this book was about the "bitch" and popular instead of the unpopular "not like the other girls" girl, I knew I had to read it, and it did not disappoint. A great and fun read, great characters, great relationships, the importance of being true to yourself and finding what is worth in your life. Much less drama than you'd expect is also a nice plus.
This was the first Schwab book that I read. I've wanted to read her other works and the plan was to begin with Shades Of Magic, but I saw this and thought "why not?" considering it's her debut and I'd be able to see her progress as a writer for myself. It's a solid debut and I enjoy her writing style and choice of words and descriptions. A very compact story and I love these kind of stories because it has a different way of pulling me in and I appreciate that, and the story is good but I felt like something was missing.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This is not a bad book at all and it was in fact an enjoyable read, but it's a bit generic if you know what I mean? Like, things fell into place and the hate-to-love relationship isn't hateful at all. I don't know why I always fall for this, the hate-to-love is almost never there and I'm left disappointed but not surprised. For once I wish the characters actually hated each other instead of the bickering borderline flirting that happens.
And with this book in particular, something that bothered me is how Olive went from "hating" Ethan over a misunderstanding on her part and spending years holding this grudge, to later in the book forgive him kinda easily for something he clearly did wrong and she was 100% justified in not forgiving him for or forgiving him but not getting back with him. That was a big let down to me, especially considering the set-up to that. But of course this is a romance, there's no point in ending it with "and she did forgave him later but could not trust him anymore so decided to not get back with him and lived happily ever after"... Oh well, maybe I'll find this book one day.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
From the rating you'd say I didn't enjoy this read, but truly I did. It was an easy read and it served its purpose of distracting me and being fun. But since I am a person of principles I simply cannot ignore the numerous problematic things of this book, so I couldn't give it a higher rating despite enjoying the story and the relationship to some extent.
I love Morgan's characterization and writing of relationships, this is the third book of hers I've read and I fell in love with every single one and had a good time. That's what I was looking for, a good time and this author always delivers.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Alright, I really enjoyed this book. Especially the characters. I was very into it, but at some point (maybe 70%? 80%?) things weren't as good as they were before. I think some more 100 pages so things could be fleshed out could work. There are so many books with 600 pages that could use of 200 pages less and this one is the opposite where 100 pages more to let the story breathe would be appreciated.
I feel like the third act was rushed, maybe it's my fault because I was expecting a bit more because the build-up had been so good, there were so many things happening in the last chapters but also it felt anti-climatic somehow because it was fast and underdeveloped, and it just seemed easy. Even the romance, that had been quite satisfying up until the last chapters, could have used more time. It lacked a bit more angst, but maybe that's a nitpick because I personally enjoy angst...
Other than this, I enjoyed. It's a good book with great characters. Some great moments and dialogues, an easy and fun read.
This was very much what I was expecting when I started, and that is a good thing because I was expecting some light and fun read and that is what I got.
I saw a lot of myself in the protagonist, when I was younger and less sure of myself than I am now (not that I am too sure now but), when friendships could shape the view you have of yourself and you are constantly relying on familiarity to navigate social situations. I was very much like Emily and so reading about her facing the fact that you are your own self was quite interesting, and I really like that. I enjoyed the frienships and romantic relationships, I especially enjoyed how her view on past relationships worked because it all added something on the changes she was facing within herself.
All in all, I loved it, the characters are great, the story flowed nicely and by the end of it I was satisfied with where Emily was headed.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I've read this book a while ago and forgot to review it... Anyway, it's a lovely book and possibly my favorite of the series. I love the second book as well, but this one was more emotionally-driven for me. Love that we got to know more about Lenora and she is a great character that went through a lot in her life, really enjoyed not only her relationship with her husband, but especially with her best friend. Great addition to the series.