I'm not even going to read the second book. It's from Finn's POV and I don't want to sit through that bullshit.
This story started off okayish. I wasn't having fun but it wasn't a pain to continue reading. I started loving the story when Autumn and her friends started to feel like actual characters. I believe this was around the time the writing stopped being so vague about their time together and got detailed with the scenes.
This book had a perfect coming-of-age story and I was going to mark this as a perfect 4-star (due to the beginning being meh) but then...
I started to not like this story after Jamie broke up with Autumn. Him cheating on her with Sasha wasn't surprising, I figured something was up the moment he said "Me too." in one scene after Autumn told him she loved him. He always replied with a "I love you, too." so that change was a huge tip off.
And I didn't mind that Finn and Autumn started hanging out together again. I thought that moment was sweet, that they were finally rekindling their friendship.
And then things started getting weird. They were doing romantic things together while he was still dating Sylvie, who was overseas on vacation. They fell asleep in Finn's bed together, they hung out really late at night, they did that stupid romance trope during a horror movie where the girl cowers into the guy and the guy puts his arm around her shoulders.
I didn't think it would get worse than that but of course it did.
They had sex. Finn cheated on Sylvie and Autumn was a part of that betrayal the same way Sasha and Jamie did to her.
That scene killed their characters for me. I didn't care that Finn was planning on breaking up with Sylvie once she returned. He still cheated on her and I hate this story for doing that. I didn't even care that he died. I pushed through the rest of the chapters after that horror movie scene and stopped caring all together when they had sex.
The only reason this story isn't a 1-star is because of those moments before the breakup with Jamie happened. I was having fun with the book and because of that this story is a 2-stars for me.
I'm not going to bother reading the Finn POV book. Right now, I feel nothing for Finn and I just know I'll just hate his pining for Autumn knowing what he'll do to Sylvie in the end.
Overall, a story that had great potential if it didn't enjoy cheating tropes.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Amazing horror book!!
It had everything I was craving. Small town, cornfields, and killings. Heavy on the small town and cornfields! Clowns are an unexpected bonus and now I want more clown horror haha
I loved the characters and everything that happened in the book! I bought this in 2020 and hate that I kept putting it off for so long. This book has everything I love in classic slasher films.
I cannot wait to read the other two books, I'll definitely be using my money to buy signed copies ❤️
I heard a movie adaptation was being made and I'm so excited!! I can't wait until it releases, I hope it releases in an October, it'll be perfect horror vibes.
The first chapter almost made me drop the book, and I'm so glad I didn't. If you like Fiona from Shameless then you'll like Quinn in this book.
She rushes into relationships to deal with the guilt surrounding her best friend's death, and that's what happens in the first couple of chapters. I didn't like how quickly she revealed parts of her trauma to Malcolm, her love interest, when before it'll say she's trying to hide from her past.
This story was surprisingly good and addicting. The writing is simple and easy to read, which helps me get lost into the story ❤️ I couldn't put it down, plus my Libby hold was about to expire in 2 days so I refused to not finish this book in time and I'm so glad I did!
I love all of the characters and their relationships with each other. There are actually female friendships for Quinn, and ones that felt genuine! So rare in the other romance books I've read!
I don't know what genre this book falls under but I love it a lot. A girl finding herself and healing from her traumatic past, and finding new support systems while re-bridging old ones. It's so cozy and feel-good.
The sex scene also helps me realize that I love vague sex scenes where every movement isn't given details. It was two paragraphs long with the only thing being described was Quinn's feelings, which was great!
And oh god, the nicknames. What is it with romance books and their need to give nicknames longer than the woman's name. Her name is Quinn and the nickname Malcolm gives her is Cat's Eye. WHAT, COME ON lmaoo It's so dumb.
Overall, this story is wonderful and I love it a lot! Will definitely be buying it to have a physical copy once I get a job haha ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I had a lot of fun with this book! I didn't like most of the lusting scenes, I got tired of reading "my core throbbed" in almost every chapter and wished some of those scenes had been replaced with ones that focused on the culture and gods. Very disappointed they left the mountains so quickly.
I guessed the ending during the mountain scene and I am happy that I guessed correctly!
Before I started reading this book, I somehow thought that the story would be about Frigga and that she was given a variant spelling of her name and the story would be about her life before marrying Odin BUT turns out I got the gods names wrong haha
While I did enjoy this book there were moments where I wished for more. I wished Freya and Bodil spent more time together, because it would've made her blind rage moment more impactful. I also wish that the female characters around her were built up more. We mainly got one dimensional female antagonist or distant acquaintances. For the latter, when they died, because we didn't get much scenes with them it felt less impactful. Like missed opportunities for Freya to bond with them and for them to become friends. Maybe that was the author's intent. I hope in the next story we get female friendships; I'm noticing in the romance books I've read that female friendships aren't a thing and it sucks. I felt so much happiness for Freya when she joined Bodil and her maidens at the campfire. Freya absolutely needs female friends!
Very interested to read the sequel. Overall, a good story!
The rape scene was worse than I thought it would be. I've legit seen people defend Daphne in the book making it seem like Simon was the one who initiated the sex, so I thought Simon would be drunk and awake but NO he was asleep with morning wood. It's literally written that she felt a rush of power in the situation, of how happy she was to be in control, and how she felt nothing but pleasure when he tried to get her off of him the moment he realized she was forcing him to cum inside her.
I waited for this book on Libby for a month, probably longer, and told myself to finish the book for that reason but one chapter after the rape scene I realized that finishing the book means I'll have to read Daphne get her happily ever after and that Simon would have to push aside his feelings in order to make HER happy. That is beyond fucked up.
And it wasn't just the rape scene that made me give this book a 1 star.
It's bland and boring. With a fake dating trope, it NEEDS drama. It needs more than just one scene where one becomes jealous at the romantic attention the other is getting, and that scene in Daphne's calling room was not it due to how soon into the fake dating it happened.
Daphne tells Simon that the fake dating wouldn't work on the Mamas as they'll continue pushing their single daughters at him but we don't get a scene like that! Even if it was just Daphne's self consciousness letting her say that, we still don't get to experience Daphne getting jealous of the attention he's getting.
They fall in love too quickly, which goes against the fake dating trope. They're supposed to have that realization that makes them go into denial over their feelings, only to realize that they can't escape how they feel, and then there's supposed to be a moment where they wonder how on earth are they going to turn this from fake dating into real dating, wondering if the other person even feels the same way about them.
The fake dating trope is supposed to come with drama and angst, but everything goes perfectly without any bumps in the road. I wouldn't even call the duel a bump because it was so dumb.
I knew she was going to rape him before I started reading but I liked her siblings and Lady Whistledown from the show a lot, so I read it for them and figured I'll push past this book to get to the other ones. Wasn't worth it, plus I've since learned that her brothers are trash to women.
My curiosity to see how bad the men in these books are makes me want to try reading the other books. I don't see myself finishing them either.
Overall, Daphne is a POS. I hate this book. And to the defenders who say "this is what happened in the 1800s.", this book wasn't written in the 1800s, and y'all aren't reading it in the 1800s. I would not be surprised if fans of these book also love Haunting Adeline. I am legit mad that the book fans talked about this dark romance series as if everything was sweet and wholesome, y'all really have people thinking these books are normal romances.
There's a youtuber who has played some Nancy Drew games that I've been meaning to watch and she got me interested in the whole Nancy Drew series. I saw these books at a Dollar Tree and thought it'll be fun to read them. Glad I got them!
This would've been a 5 stars if the epilogue had been different. I was hoping for a years later timeskip instead of a week later one.
I was not a fan of the beginning. The only thing that kept me going was my love for thrillers taking place in secluded locations. I didn't like the tension between Laney and Kit until they actually started talking about what happened.
The spirit of the island was a damn interesting twist that I loved a lot! I just wish the epilogue had been a years later one so we can see how Laney handled living trapped on the island with the spirit and how her loved ones lives were affected by her oath.
I am so disappointed in this book. It had a great start with the worldbuilding, and the way characters were introduced. The author did a good job in showing how dark the book's world is and why Jaenelle is needed to save them, but then it goes nowhere. 68% in and we only just got a scene where Saetan is training Jaenelle when she is 12 and it's a moment of him realizing something that we already knew about many, many chapters ago when she was 7 because he realized it then when they first met. It was a useless scene to me and added nothing new. It didn't feel significant, yet the characters all reacted as if she suddenly did a magnificent feat. They've been with her for 5 years and they are still acting cartoonishly astonished that she's a powerful kid?
My other issue is that the stakes were set to be serious but actions by characters like Saetan doesn't make it feel as if the stakes are actually high enough to worry about. He's been training Jaenelle since she was 7 and at age 12, he does a political move where he HOPES she has learned to understand on her own. It's a damn big political move that would teach her checks and balance, and to not abuse her power against servants. That seems pretty damn important to teach her to make sure she saves them instead of becoming their new tyrant, and yet he didn't teach her it. In the 5 years he's been training her, what the fuck has he been doing all this time to the point where he never even taught her to not abuse her powers, the basics of all things??
They treat her as their revered Queen, but they don't teach her anything that would make her a good one. They're just waiting for her to become of age.
And speaking of Jaenelle becoming of age. Daemon, a man who is over a thousand years old, is in love with her. Before they have met, he's been having dreams of being her lover and in his dreams, she is an adult, but he doesn't know what she looks like (if I remembered correctly). When they finally meet, he is shocked and disgusted at himself to realize he's in love with a 12 year old, and he has a moment where he's having a breakdown at that realization...and then quickly gets over it. He still loves her, but it's her "soul" that he loves and he's waiting for her to become of age. Which is some weak, pathetic grooming mindset a pedo has. Even with him waiting for her to be an adult, he has a moment where he strongly wants to innocently touch her and helps her get on her horse to do so. Just the bottom of her boot in his hands to lift her up onto the horse was enough to stun and soothe that intense feeling, and it made me drop the book. I couldn't read any more when most of the POVs in this book are from Daemon and seeing his love for a 12 year old is disturbing. I don't care about the whole "her soul is what draws him in" bullshit because those around him who knows about Jaenelle's powers are aware of his intentions to be her lover when she's older AND THEY LET IT GO. Saetan, the supposed loving father figure, is perfectly okay with his son Daemon one day becoming Jaenelle's lover. It's all too disturbing.
They haven't taught Jaenelle anything during those 5 years and I get that she's only a kid but they're going to place a huge weight on her shoulders when she turns of age. They could at least prepare her?? But instead, they're just waiting for her to learn things herself.
Also, the sudden rape incest came out of nowhere between Dorothea and her son Kartane, along with Lucivar having either lustful or romantic feelings for his half brother Daemon. The last part was such a useless bit of information, I should've dropped the story there because everything started going downhill from there.
After that scene, Daemon later reveals he can get out of the Ring of Obedience and kill Dorothea, but to do so might (MAYBE in his words) leave his dick damaged and he wants to keep his dick intact for Jaenelle. This was before he even knew she was 12 but it's a thought I'm certain he'll continue to have.
It just doesn't make sense for him to subject himself to hundreds of years of rape and then later reveal he can get himself out from under Dorothea's thumb but doesn't because he doesn't want to risk ruining his dick.
The story went downhill for me, and I couldn't take it anymore. I thought this book was going to be a series I would love dearly and I'm so disappointed.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I got bored around 67% into the story, but a chapter or two (or more) later my enjoyment bounced back. I am so glad I didn't give up on the book. I love that the story is low-stakes where I didn't have to worry about the main characters being too hurt or dying. It did start to get repetitive with no major challenges, but that green scene (iykyk) really gave me that little excitement I was craving.
However, I wish we were given more personal scenes with the characters that didn't revolve around the coffee shop. We were told that their bond was strong, but we weren't shown it. An example for this was other characters pointing out there was something brewing between Viv and Tandri but we weren't shown that. I hate it when budding romance isn't shown in scenes and then gets pointed out by other characters as if it was obvious to see this whole time. Love how their relationship built after that moment, but wished we'd gotten more pining before it.
Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. Perfect for a chilly day warm underneath a blanket with hot chocolate on the side. I didn't have any of the last two and it was mostly hot when I was reading this, but this book made me want it all lol