tearoomofbooks's reviews
101 reviews

Killing Stalking. Season 3. Vol. 6 by Koogi

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Solid 4.5 ⭐ rounded up to 5.

"We will die together,okay?"

"We all learn it's what's inside that counts, don't we? Inner beauty lasts forever! Got it?"

This was the first psychological horror "BL" I've ever read! And it's definitely not the last one for sure.
I don't know what to feel after that ending. Although I've read this back in 10.-14.Nov I still see these moments in front of my eyes and I just can't stop thinking of a way to describe how painful and sad it was to read through the chapters and see how Bum, Sangwoo or their victims felt.

I hope Bum is okay...and alive!! Although Sangwoo deserved to burn like a crisp, I felt sorry for him in some parts of the story. Maybe because I felt like he had "good intentions" some times but then immediately switched back to his self whenever something didn't sit right with him. His mother definitely was the evil witch behind this and maybe even the reason for his ultimate behavior but he knew what was coming for him. Like he said: She said I was going to die the most painful death." And he did. At least, that's what we think happened.

Lots of emotional abuse, blood, self destruction, manipulation and a forced "relationship" with a murderer.
The Promiscuous Flower Picking Man: Chapter 2 by Goutert

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Reading mangas online is better than buying all the physical books, because you can always drop them if you don't like them.

Well this one was nice. Been a while since I've read it but gotta say that the characters are amazing,the plot was a bit off/too much sometimes. It was also a quick read!
Bongchon Bride by GaePi Son

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Bongchun is such a gentle giant