tearoomofbooks's reviews
101 reviews

Sayonara Red Beryl 2 by Atami Michinoku

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Ich habe einen weiteren Manga Favoriten entdeckt!
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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4.5 ⭐

Review will come later~
Jenseits der goldenen Brücke by Julia Dippel

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Ich bin komplett sprachlos. Ich habe jede einzelne Seite verschlungen und einfach so geliebt! Die Freundschaft zwischen Zoey und Amaia, Moe's Vertrauen zu seiner Schwester, ihre Reise nach Cassardim, die verschiedenen Fürstenhäuser. Alles war so perfekt und passte einfach wie das letzte Puzzleteil eines unfertigen Puzzles. Noar habe ich, trotz seiner Art, von Anfang an geliebt. Amaias Charakter ist echt süß. Sie war oft so neugierig, dann kamen die Probleme, doch die überwältigte sie problemlos. Ihre Gefühle waren so echt und sie war auch bereit ein Risiko einzugehen. Außerdem finde ich sie verdammt kreativ im kontern (besonders während den Streitereien zwischen ihr und Noar). Und das Ende machte mich nur noch neugieriger auf den 2.Band.
Bitte nicht stören, Genie bei der Arbeit ... by Liz Pichon

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Ich bin wahrscheinlich etwas zu alt um solche Bücher zu lesen, aber es gab zum Teil immer was zum schmunzeln.

Ich glaube, ich habe noch nie ein Buch gelesen, wo jemand seine Großeltern "Die Fossilien" genannt hat.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner by Eunji Yang

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I just finished it and... *sob sob* I'm so happy. I have lots on my mind after reading this but gosh I'll start with the art. Soo pretty! I gotta admit, I was a bit worried if I'll like this, but I was so excited to see how the story will continue, after the first 5 chapters.
The growing connection to Yudam and Dongbaek was so sweet. Of course, Director was a bit too protective but I feel like, after reading about his past life's with Dongbaek, I finally understand his reasons. And then Dennis showed up. I didn't think he was going to so important in this story, but oh my was I wrong with that. I thought it was going to have a sad ending, since Dongbaek lost his memories, but at least that "curse" was lifted, because of Dennis (even tho I still don't like you at all. How dare you throw around with a knive and try to kill the Director :-| ) And in the next 2 seconds, Dongbaek got stabbed, as he tried to save his lover. *sob* I can tell he really loves him a lot, compared to when they first started dating. I was completely shocked to see that he survived but lost his memory. At least Dennis had a hand in this and helped him (doesn't mean I'd change my mind about him).

And then this end.. T_T I'm so happy for them. This story definitely left me with a whole lot of emotions, but it's now printed into my heart forever. I loved everything about it~
Definitely one of my top favorites for this year!
Timing by Mary Calmes

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I don't think I could keep up with Rand's energetic and overly happy family, but God damn Rand and Stefan killed me
상수리나무 아래 시즌 1 by 나무, P, Suji Kim

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Just completed season 1.
I'm completely in love with Maxi, she's adorable and so kind