Dit is echt een super top boek. Het beste anti-abortus boek dat ik tot nog toe heb gelezen, zou ik haast zeggen. Als ik ooit iemand die in dit onderwerp interesse heeft een boek zou moeten aanraden, zou het deze zijn. Kort, bondig, duidelijk en eenvoudig legt het alle grote argumenten uit. Het enige wat ik wat minder vond was dat andere dingen (de doodstraf en euthanasie) er ook bij gehaald werden.
Ik weet niet zo goed wat ik van dit boek vind. Het duurde eindeloos voor we er achter kwamen wat er aan de hand was, en toen we eindelijk wat interessants ontdekten was het boek voorbij. Het lijkt alsof het boek aan de ene kant een maatschappelijke kwestie ter discussie wil stellen, maar dan past dat mysterie aan het einde er niet echt bij. Het is een beetje een mengelmoes.
Ook is die regel waar Hava zo trots op is “Ik gun jullie kinderen een toekomst, daarom gun ik mezelf geen toekomst,” op papier wel goed, maar echt een goeie regel voor een speech is het niet.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It’s been a while since I read this, but it was fun. I liked reading an explicitly Christian police/detective book, I’m not really used to that. It wasn’t always super subtle, especially with Kate’s spiritual life, but the plot was pretty interesting. Although a lot of gritty stuff happened, the climax felt a bit underwhelming, but that was maybe just me having the wrong expectations. Parts of the relationship between Kate and Dave was icky, but there were quite a few funny moments too, not just between them. The whole adopted family thing with every single person being in a dangerous/interesting job was super unrealistic, but I decided to just lean into it, and it makes sense because this is part of a series about the whole clan. I might actually end up reading the rest of the books at some point, it’d be pretty fun, I think. Gotta finish my TBR first, though.
Whoops, it’s been a whole month since I read this. Anyways. Exams bro
There was good in this book but also plenty of stuff I found pretty annoying.
The bad parts first:
- Not a single character except for Tipp can just be… normal. Why is everyone some important person in disguise?
- Major moments lost their impact later on. Jaren lost his magic? Don’t worry, he can get it back! Caldon dies? Nah don’t worry, he actually survived!
- The relationship between Kiva and Jaren is actually pretty toxic. He avoids her like the plague for ages, keeps pushing her away, then when she internalises all that hate, he tells her to stop making herself the villain. Sir, YOU acted like she was one.
- Give Jaren some flaws bro why is he perfect it’s kind of annoying
- There seemed to be some plot mishaps. For example, the rings needs to be charged, which is a problem at some point cause they don’t work. Except they already charged them earlier in the book. I guess the author forgot about that.
- That ending was not it. I don’t care what the Warden did to you, sending him into his own prison to probably be tortured by his inmates, and having him compete in an Ordeal is cruel. Just execute him if you want him dead
Good parts:
- I genuinely liked the relationship between Kiva and Cresta, although ofcourse it’s not that realistic that Cresta would do such a strong 180 after literally threatening to kill Tipp.
- Cresta and Caldon’s personalities and relationship were the best part of this book.
- There were quite a few moments where I got emotional/had to laugh.
So yeah, although this book was a pretty big step down from the first, and even from the second, there were still redeeming elements to it that made me feel something.
All in all, a pretty fun book, except for the fact that it took AGES of character and relationship building for the exciting stuff to happen.
Kiva was honestly a bit dumber in this book than the first. There was one scene where she was trying to find a hiding place to listen in on a meeting. This was a time-sensitive thing, cause the people meeting were coming super soon. So what does she do? She spends a lot of valuable time sightseeing the room and only hides at the last possible moment, when she could just as easily have done that snooping after the meeting. It was super annoying.
There seemed to be some discontinuity where Jaren knew less than it was implied he did in book one.
Some random stuff:
I’m sorry, I found the meta book club to be cringe.
Caldon is my bestie and I love him.
Kiva says she never harmed anyone, even those she hated, which is untrue, since in the last book there was a guard who was too touchy and instead of fixing his itchy groin problem she gave him medicine that would make it worse.
Ahum, and now for the biggest thing that I already mentioned in my review for book one: did I get my predictions right?
Well, yes and no. Someone did die, but it was her grandmother, but she did leave her with a new-found realisation. Also, this all could still just be fixed by her marrying Jaren, and both siblings (only one of whom is really into revenge) are fine with that! So really all angst would be unnecessary if Kiva was honest and just communicated. We don’t even need to frame it as two families coming together, because apparantly none of the rebel supporters really… support the rebels. They just want to be healed.
Guys, when I tell you this book was nerve-wracking. I read this before going to sleep and then I legit couldn’t fall asleep cause of how nervous this book made me lol. (This is probably more a me thing than a thing with the book)
What I did notice was that it was pretty predicatable that the characters didn’t get a single calm morning. Every single time they woke up there was imminant danger.
Dit boek was wel leuk. Niet helemaal voor mijn leeftijd, dus niet super spannend, maar toch spannend genoeg dat ik wel lekker wilde blijven lezen. En het was kort, dus ik heb hem lekker snel uitgelezen. Er is een lesbische romance.
- I was in a reading slump before this book, so it took me a while to get into it, but that was on me. Toward the middle of the book, I really got into it and honestly it got me out of that book slump.
- There are a lot of funny quotes and you do have to be okay with a lot of slapstick, silly humour and worldbuilding. I know that’s mentioned in the description, but I did have to get used to it, even when knowing it would be like that. This was a super fun book and I have so many highlighted quotes that I loved.
- This isn’t completely light, though, there were some pretty gross moments. (There’s torture and a bug that burrows into someone’s skull. That last scene made me pretty nausceous. Oh, and there’s a part where a slug dies and it screams during its death. Idk it was scarier in the book)
Not much to say other than that this book was super fun and I’m looking forward to the second installment.