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the_jesus_fandom's reviews
354 reviews
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken
I read this way back in the day, when I was... probably around 10. I really enjoyed it, although even then I felt that the wolves didn't really feature as much as the title suggested.
Kruistocht in spijkerbroek by Thea Beckman
(scroll down for english) Heb dees nooit echt gemogen vanwege opmerkingen als "ach ja, die onnozele middeleeuwers wisten niet beter" elke keer als het om het geloof gaat. (niet letterlijk uit het boek genomen, maar er staat wel degelijk letterlijk iets in de trant van 'ze wisten niet beter')
Never really liked this one due to remarks such as "those innocent middle age people didn't know any better" any time belief is mentioned. (that's not a literal quotation, but the book does at some point literally say that they 'didn't know any better')
Never really liked this one due to remarks such as "those innocent middle age people didn't know any better" any time belief is mentioned. (that's not a literal quotation, but the book does at some point literally say that they 'didn't know any better')
Spijt by Carry Slee
(scroll down for English) Ik weet het niet zo... Vroeger al vond ik het een beetje raar dat Jochem zelfmoord pleegde terwijl hij toch z'n zus (of in ieder geval dat meisje) en z'n oma had. Ja, die pestkoppen waren echt drabbers, en ik ergerde me mateloos aan David's lafhartigheid, maar om dan te zeggen van: pest geen kinderen, want als ze dan zelfmoord plegen is het jouw schuld... Maar mischien erger ik me gewoon over de hypocrisie van al die lui in het boek, in welk geval het boek haar werk heeft gedaan.
I don't know... Even when I was younger I thought it was weird dat Jochem comitted suicide even though he had his sister and his grandmother. Yes, those bullies were scumbags, and I was incredibly annoyed by David's cowardice, but to say: don't bully children, because if they commit suicide it'll be your fault... But maybe I'm just irritated by the hypocrisy of all the people in this book, in which case it did its job.
I don't know... Even when I was younger I thought it was weird dat Jochem comitted suicide even though he had his sister and his grandmother. Yes, those bullies were scumbags, and I was incredibly annoyed by David's cowardice, but to say: don't bully children, because if they commit suicide it'll be your fault... But maybe I'm just irritated by the hypocrisy of all the people in this book, in which case it did its job.
De scheepsjongens van Bontekoe by Johan Fabricius
(scroll down for English) Dit boek heeft mijn moeder me nog voorgelezen. Echt ontzettend gaaf! Het grappige was wel, dat wij zelf op Madagaskar wonen, en de informatie in het boek.... nou ja, laten we zeggen dat het eerste woord dat echt klopte "lamba" was (betekent zoiets als kleed, doek of gewaad). Net als bij Marco Polo's boek moet ik wel lachen over de onjuistheden over Madagaskar. Maar in ieder geval, het boek is gewoon vet leuk en ook geschikt voor jongere kinderen.
My mother read me this book. It's really great! The funny thing was: we live on Madagascar, and the information in the book... well, let's just say the first word that was actuallly right was "lamba" (it's a garment). Just like with Marco Polo's book I have to laugh when I see such tall tales about Madagascar. But anyway, the book is very fun and also appropriate for younger children.
My mother read me this book. It's really great! The funny thing was: we live on Madagascar, and the information in the book... well, let's just say the first word that was actuallly right was "lamba" (it's a garment). Just like with Marco Polo's book I have to laugh when I see such tall tales about Madagascar. But anyway, the book is very fun and also appropriate for younger children.
The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.
The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.
The Icebound Land by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.
Oakleaf Bearers by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.
The Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.
The Siege of Macindaw by John Flanagan
The rating is for the whole series, not any book in particular. I made a whole series of videos about the bad messages in these books (and one on the good parts). You can check em out here.