"But I think if you let the past haunt you, if you can't accept it, it's that much harder to make better choices in the future."
Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes is my first read by them, and while I don't know what I was truly expecting, only knowing that it was a space exploration with a death, I felt like it was way more naturally science fiction than horror.
I did really enjoy Barne's writing style, but I think the main problem I had with Ghost Station was the pacing. The summary makes the main twist out to be near the beginning of the book, when it doesn't happen until at least halfway through. I feel like it had more of a focus on the team, and while the team is an important part, until around 60% in, the true danger wasn't a huge part of it yet.
I felt a certain disconnect with Ophelia, a psychologist who's sent to help with the team. To help escape her trauma, she comes along with the team to explore a planet, and is sucked right back in. There could've been a lot more understanding coming from both sides of her coming along, especially from Ophelia herself.
Ethan was probably my fav character. He just wants to help, and make the most out of a bad situation, but after the team's lies and deception, he feels frustrated and sad cause he blames himself for everything that's happened. He's just a huge teddy bear, be honest.
Overall, if you're a fan of sci-fi, horror, body horror, and Barnes, you will enjoy Ghost Station.
tw // Death, Blood, Violence, Gun violence, Medical content, Suicide, Domestic abuse, Dementia, Child death, Body horror
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
"I'm jumping through hoops because you're worth jumping for."
The powerful finale to Kay Cove's Real Life, Real Love series, previously known as Love, Me & The 303.
I never wanted this series to end, and now that it has, i want to reread the entire series again and stay with these girls.
Amani, a social media influencer, and Adam, a power Hollywood manager, fall in love against all odds fighting against them. I absolutely LOVED their relationship.
The journey Amani goes through is HEARTBREAKING, and so powerful a story to read. Showing the dangers and sadly truths of social media, and the gut wrenching tribulations someone can go through to get pregnant is truly something to behold. Being there with her every step of the way, and crying with her.
And for Adam to be there for her, against all odds, against time, against everything. Despite having a betrayal that could've torn them apart. He's such a sweetheart, so worthy of being loved, and a huge teddy bear.
I can't choose a favorite from this group, and I never will.
Thank you to Noa, Addie, Quinn, Reese & Amani and Kay Cove for making me feel like I'm with them. And to Chase, Joel, Cody, Miles & Adam. I love you.
Til we meet again.
Paint Me Perfect, Rewrite The Rules, Owe Me One, Sing Your Secrets & First Comes Forever.
tropes // millionaire romance, friends to lovers, close proximity, infertility rep, right person, wrong time, healing together
A "cozy" mystery debut from Christina Estes. When Jolene Garcia, a journalist, gets wind of a high-profile radio host was found dead, she vies for the control of the narrative. Wants that exclusive found in media.
I initially found myself interested because of the mystery, because of the media. But this just fell flat for me. While I am not a journalist, I felt a major disconnect to Jolene, and how she went about everything. To me, like a lot of others, this felt less like a pure mystery novel and more about the journalism, and the media side of a tragedy. The mystery fell more political and I feel like journalists should at least try to be neutral. Though I know it's never the case.
With Jolene, I had a hard time relating to her. She took advantage of everyone around her, and her ignorance pushed things over the edge.
As this is Estes's debut, I feel like she'll accomplish more in coming novels, and I can't wait to see where she goes from here.
tws // provided by the author; references to abandonment, ageism, animal cruelty, child neglect, classism, homelessness, racism, sexism, sexual coercion, and substance abuse.
"That's right, precious girl. Let me see you fall apart."
Meg Becker has been an auto-buy author for me since I first read her Butterflies series. And Blindfolds & Butterflies did not disappoint.
In Blindfolds & Butterflies, we follow Chelsea and Graham as they are set up on a radio bachelor contest for Valentine's Day by Chelsea's friend. Reluctance on her ends turns into a relationship that no one expects.
Chelsea and Graham are such a cute couple, and I absolutely loved seeing them together. Through the rough start to the vulnerabilities, to the final, "I love you too, butterfly"
I loved seeing Chelsea explore the side of her that she never knew existed. Until Graham. The pure intimacy they have with each other; the pure trust, the pure instinct. It's something short of pure sugar and sweet, and I LOVE it.
Don't even get me started on Bullseye.
📸 edit is mine, photos from Pinterest
tropes // light BDSM, opposites attract, radio dating content