thedekya's reviews
50 reviews

The Snowman by Raymond Briggs

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Will make you cry in less than 2 minutes.
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

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DNF at the last part. Sad. Was really rooting for this book to be better.
The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz

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Did not finish book.
DNF at 28%
If You'll Have Me by Eunnie

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Finished in 2 hours! Couldn't put it down. If you like Kdrama and Sapphic romance ... This is for you. Light and easy and heartwarming. Will probably pick up more of Eunnie's books in the future.
The Queen's Price by Anne Bishop

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I love Anne Bishop's writing, and I love the Black Jewels saga. This isn't the best of the books. But still lovely if you're as attached to the characters as I am. But what everyone said about Wilhelmina Benedict... Can't say I don't agree with them. I really didn't see or wanted to see her done so wrong. I get why her ... But just thought she was handled or written strangely in this.