thelilbookwitch's reviews
498 reviews

Grim Lovelies by Megan Shepherd

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Grim Lovelies is what I expected it to be: it has a well-balanced magic system, action, twists and turns, and a minor romance (love spells aside). Characters grew and changed, and not just the protagonist Anouk. But a lot was sacrificed to keep page count down in a book that is incredibly plot heavy.

Overall, I liked the book, but I didn’t love it. I might put it in the hands of a younger teen who is looking for an engaging story. There’s representation (sort of, other reviewers have covered that topic) of diverse characters, and enough going on plot-wise to distract from some weaker areas of the book. The romance is fairly chaste, and the darker bits of the story are manageable.

I’d consider giving this as an alternative to the kid who wants to read Wicked but isn’t ready for how weird that book gets (aka 12-13 y/o me who was pretty scarred thanks to the Philosophy Club scene).

For a full review, check out my blog.
Giant Days Vol. 2 by John Allison, Whitney Cogar

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This comic is the second in the series that I reviewed on my blog, and I still loved it. Back stories are explored, although I wish I knew more about Daisy. I hope future volumes focus on each character a little more, it feels like Daisy often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to learning about her past.
Giant Days Vol. 3 by John Allison

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Another comic devoured on my lunch break. I was glad to see some focus on Daisy without completely giving anything away, as well as stories featuring Ed and McGraw! Although I am concerned more and for Esther's well being...
Giant Days Vol. 4 by John Allison

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It definitely seems that by Volume 4, Allison has perfected the art of a cliffhanger in a contemporary drama comic. I keep hoping that the next books will come in the library bins for me so I can binge read the rest of the series!
A Duke by Default by Alyssa Cole

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3.5 stars.

Not as fulfilling in some ways as the first one of the series, I still really enjoyed A Duke by Default. The chemistry, so carefully crafted in the first novel between Thabiso and Naledi, while not missing in this second installment, definitely takes a back seat to Tavish and Portia's glaring personal baggage.

You can read my full review on my blog.
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

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I've written about my issues with Gaiman's reading accessibility, and while The Graveyard Book has made strides in the right direction, I still find myself dissatisfied after reading this novel. Too many questions left unanswered, too shallow of a world fleshed out, too few female characters who manage to stick around or have a lasting impact.