theproficientreader's reviews
2159 reviews

Undescribable by Shantel Tessier

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PPFF Rating: 5/5 Stars
The playboy-turned-one-woman-man and the angel.

"The bottom line was that he cheated, and I left."
What really got me into the story early on was that I may or may not have cheated and been cheated on at some point. Let's put it this way: I personally can relate to Sam.

"Don’t worry, I get it, bros before hoes and all that stuff."

The worst part of being cheated on for sure is the fact that other people actually know about what's going on but they don't tell you. It messes with your ego, doesn't it? It makes you look stupid and you do feel stupid when you finally find out. But my point is, we can't be too hypocritical about "bros before hoes" because let's be honest, us girls tend to do the hoes before bros thing too when it comes to keeping our girlfriends' secrets.

"This is the first girl to make me want her just by hearing her voice. The first girl to make me apologize without knowing what for. And the first girl to make me beg, wanting to know what I did wrong."

Slade Long is your typical alpha playboy. He screws around bars and do the whole one night stand, I-can-get-any-girl-I-want thing. All his life, he hasn't found a reason to commit and have a girlfriend. But everything changes when he meets Samantha Hall or Angel to him.

"Because I don’t trust myself around you."

Samantha Hall is definitely my type of heroine. She's gorgeous, feisty and so independent. She stands up to Slade and doesn't go damsel in distress on him or anyone else for that matter even when she is cheated on by her college boyfriend, Jax.

What I really liked about Undescribable was that the story wasn't rushed. Sam and Slade didn't immediately have sex even with all that sexual tension between them. Sam also didn't turn soft on him right away unlike other books which probably would have made the girl swoon after just a few charming lines from the guy.

"She is with me. As in, she’s my girlfriend. Stay the fuck away from her. You seem to like her ass so much...did you see that little M on the ass pocket of her jeans? That M stands for mine."

The book also had a few laughs which I enjoyed and I liked how Slade's past was thrown in the mix but it wasn't overly done. Basically, the author focused more on their own insecurities than external factors (jealous girls, irked guys) as the main obstacles of their relationship.

"It’s not about just falling in love. It’s about falling in love every day, over and over again."

Most of all, I loved how simple the story felt to me. The characters were all friends and they genuinely liked hanging around each other. Although I initially thought of Josh as a bit of a douche in the beginning of the book, I ended up liking him a lot and I wish he'd be able to love again after his fiancee left him (I'm guessing he and Courtney will have their own story). Of course I loved Holly and Micah (who is Slade's brother) and how much they were very protective of Sam. I also thought it was cute that Sam was already friendly with Slade's parents even before they fell in love.

"I’ve come to find falling in love is easy. It’s getting the person you love to love you back just as much that’s hard because no two people love the same!"

I used to think that pet names like princess and angel corny but now I think they are adorable. I especially loved how Slade kept calling Sam "Angel" even when she was always being stubborn and not following him. My favorite part was when he wanted Sam to drive his truck rather than her 370Z. LOL.

"You came for me,” she continues sobbing.
“Of course I did, Angel.” I kiss her hair. “I belong wherever you are.”


***Check out my blog: Press Pause, Fast Forward
Promise Me Darkness by Paige Weaver

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After reading this book, I remember thinking that it was like having one of those dreams/nightmares where I was being chased by giant robots, aliens, dinosaurs or zombies and I felt like I was going to die that I wanted to wake up already. And I'm pretty sure I read this right after watching Brad Pitt's World War Z so this was quite the experience. LOL. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next one. :)