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thesparklingbook_'s reviews
123 reviews
Engel by Toni Coppers
Engel is een enorm interessante thriller als je een kunstliefhebber bent maar zelfs voor leek als mij vond ik dit wel interessant en spannend om te lezen, alleen waren de verhaallijnen soms een beetje lang en raadselachtig maar ik raad het toch wel aan om te lezen
Flashback by Mariëtte Middelbeek
Ik had eerlijk gezegd meer verwacht van dit boek met momenten is het spannend maar ik hoopte toch op een beetje meer spanning en het lezen ging ook niet altijd zo erg vlot maar het einde maakte het wel een beetje goed
#kleingelukske. Geluk zit in een klein boekske. by Lynn van Royen
Wat een prachtig boek, ik werd er instant gelukkig van. Perfect om mijn reading challenge mee te starten. Al die kleine gelukjes waren zo herkenbaar en zó zalig ✨
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
I’ve seen Shadow & Bone on Netflix and I loved it, but the book was everything, I had a thing for the Darkling, I love him even more. The storylines were so good and I truly love the bound between Mal & Alina, how much they love and care about each other
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
It took me a little while to finish this book because little time, but I LOVED how the storylines were written,the previous book was a little predictable like I said because of the show on Netflix. This book was different, unexpected things happened and that made the story very interesting, so i'm very curious for season 2 of S&B.
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
I have to be honest, I really loved the two previous books but this one isn’t my favourite, i felt quite forced to finish this one and it took me like forever… I’m not disappointed but I just expected a lot more of this book, I missed something.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I had a very slow start which is the reason why it took me almost 3 weeks to finish this one and it’s not because I don’t like the book, I really really loved it. As soon I read further I was completely in the story, Kaz Jesper and Inej make such a great team. Kaz is such badass in the book, makes me love him even more besides his badass moments, Kaz’ storylines showed that he also has a fragile heart. And Jesper is so funny. He had some good lines which made me laugh a couple times, but Wylan is soooo adorable I fell in love immediately. What I truly loved in the book were the Dutch words that made the story just perfect
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
This is actually a re-read, I’ve read it before but in Dutch. I still love the relationship between Jamie and Claire, it’s full of passion but I love it more when they are joking around with each other and making some funny jokes. Only it took me a little while to finish this one. Outlander still will be my forever favourite
De Wrede Prins by Holly Black
I loved the way the book started but lost my concentration halfway the story for a bit but then the story completely changed and became so much better. You can say what you want but Jude is such a girl boss standing for herself against her bullies, I love her for real.