tish9130's reviews
466 reviews

Taking a Chance by Kacey Hamford

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Copy received in giveaway win from author :)

I loved this multi POV tale, it's the first book I have read by this author and won't be the last.

I fell in love with rose, she was so innocent.
And Jacob he was so adorable, this couple are just the cutest :*

This isn't your standard collage romance,
There are twist and turns along the way.
️sibling rivalry at its best ( I hated Amelia )

That ending = perfect.
No cliff hanger :)
I cannot wait to read book 2 and see what's in store for the lovely bonnie xx
Stepbrother: Impossible Love by Victoria Villeneuve

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A very well put together stepbrother novel.

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for honest review.

Again when I was asked to review this stepbrother book I was skeptical, there truly are so many out there at the moment.

I was truly surprised reading this novel.
Victoria has been very clever with her writing, not only do we have the taboo romance but also another strong storyline interwoven toward the end.

The characters were very easy to like, Victoria's style is beautiful, I'm very glad I decided to take a chance on this stepbrother read.
I cannot wait to read more from this talented author.
Mistaken Identity by Amy Beth

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Mistaken identity
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for honest review, thanks Amy Beth.

Mistaken identity it's a fabulously dark read.
In this tale We met the lovely Morgan, whom has been confused as summer.
And this is when her world descends into darkness.
She gets placed at the unmercifully hands of Harry king,
Harry is a power hungry man, he gets off on other people's suffering and pain.
Can Morgan ever escape the clutch of the devil whom is holding her hostage.

I cannot wait to get me book 2. That ending was a killer :o

This really is a brilliant read! I urge all dark lovers to grab yourself this book ️xx
Endure by Beth Maria

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I received an ARC copy of endure from the author in exchange for honest review.
*here goes for my spoiler free review*

This is the first book I have read by Beth an was slightly concerned with it being book three in the series, my worry was in vain, Beth give a lot of background ;)

This is a multi point Of view tale that will take you on a roller coaster ride.
Maisie & Jesse have been through there fare share of heartache, and this tale is to be no different, you will laugh and cry and an want to scream as you read this tale. The heartache this poor couple have to deal with is tremendous and will leave you feeling heart broken for them, then as the story develops you will be mended. (Thank goodness)
If you are looking for a read full of love, passion, emotion, and struggles, with a possible HEA, I urge you to give this a try,
Beth tackles some difficult subjects but I feel she does it with upmost care,

Are they strong enough to pull through all the things that are sent to try them?
Will this couple get their HEA?

"Fate has been trying to fuck me over my whole life" Jesse.
"It reminded me that I can still carry on with my life as long as I have you, my parents & my friends surrounding me" Maisie.
"If we can overcome this, we can overcome anything together. I love you, I love you too"

Vacant by Ker Dukey

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This lucky lady was provided an ARC to review for RedHotReeads;)
When I realised that I had VACANT sat awaiting me on my kindle I immediately stopped what I was reading to start this eagerly awaited novella!
as expected with a KER book I was not disappointed!
Ker is a magician with words, every time I open one of her books I am in awe of her abilities. The world around me continues but until I have finished reading I AM UNREACHABLE.

Cereus & Ryan's story is a true love story (not love as I attraction and lust) love as In two souls who cannot function properly without the other.
Can cereus ever come to terms with the dark that resides inside of her?

What a beautifully fitting ending :) <3

Before you read vacant you must read empathy and Desolate

Some of my favourite quotes:
"I want to be found preyed on; if that's what I am, his prey"
"Some people deserve my torment; they invite the devil into their lives and bring it upon themselves"
" if you give just an inkling of a dark thought it corrupts you until you're doing the devil's work"
"It's our imperfections that make us worth the brush strokes"

Consumed by Scarlet Wolfe

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another brilliant read from scarlet Wolfe <3

consumed gives you curvebals, love, heartache, anguish and many more of those steamy scenes that we all love!!

consumed is written from Adrian,Victoria,Simon& Sadie's POV:

Adrian and Victoria have many hurdles to overcome, will the truth bring them together or tear them apart?? is there new love strong enough to conquer what is written in the past??

when Simon and Sadie meet, they don't exactly get off on the right foot, but Simon is a man who know's what he wants and is determined to get just that!
(I found myself falling hard for Simon in this book) i still love Adrian ;)

so scarlet threw many curve balls into this book things started to become clear! she has a wonderful way of conveying emotions, there are some pretty hard topics in this book, but they are done with great care #slowclap.

I cannot wait to see where this story will go next. #warning another of scarlet's signature endings

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of consumed from the author. :)
if you haven't yet started this series I urge you to :*
The Secret to Seduction by Ember Casey

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Fabulous start to a very promising new series :)

How far would you go to keep your dream job??
This is the question felicia has to ask her self when celebrity spark goes under new management!!
Roman has just taken over celebrity spark and with technology leading the way he's looking to cut staff, can felicia convince him that she is worth keeping on??
She has 8 days to prove herself as a seductress and land a interview with one of frontaine brothers.

*hangs head in shame* this is the first of ember's books I have yet to read and it most defiantly will NOT be the last.
from the very first chapter i fell on love with felicia. i was hooked. many a times throughout the last 24hrs i have *just one more chaptered* i was desperate to watch felicia on her journey. i was routing for this girl even at her lowest points.
Roman starts of as a complete tw*t, manipulative, condescendin, but he grew on me and by the end he was a lovable tw*t.
He knew what he wanted an exactly how to get it *slow clap*

I totally love where this series is going & am eagerly awaiting the next instalment. Off to go and play stalker ;)
Life After You by K.E. Taylor

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Ok so life after you is the first book I've read by k e Taylor and I have to say it most definitely will not be the last.
I instantly was hooked on this book, the characters are relate-to-able I totally love them.
At times I was frustrated with Mac and logan. But I soon got past it. They are such a adorable couple. There were some full on lmso moments in this book and there were times I was crying.
I fell in love with Katie's style it flowed perfectly. The emotions were perfectly reflected.
I cannot wait to read more from this series <3

*** that ending well I could have screamed ***
Claimed by M. Never

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Omg. I thought owned was amazing ! Well claimed smashed it.
Mnever you are a bloody genius!
I love Ellie and Kayne they are such a well matched couple and they compliment each other perfectly. It was beautiful to watch them come together as one after there previous misfortune. The way they rebuilt there trust. Seeing Kayne let go of the past it was magical.
I loved the way we got a closer look at Kayne and Jett's relationship they are like brothers, so compassionate to each other. London was as fab in claimed as owned. Thoes girls there trouble ;). Ellie continues to gain strength from the things that should destroy her she's inspirational. Claimed is super scorching hot. Keynes kitten does not disappoint. (spare panties required) #Ilikeyoucollaredbaby #owned #claimed #pantysoakinghot
I hope that jett will get his own book. I need more jett <3
Rebuild by D. Griffith

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Debut book by d. Griffith.

Danni has been thru a lot. Broken by the one man she let in(Dillon). She takes a vacation with some friends and her sister, and falls for the host hard(jared), they share a special night and he makes her feel again. Can she be true to herself & let another man in?
Will he hurt her too?

I received this as a prize in a giveaway from the author. It took a while to get in to the story, I like to have some background at the beginning it wasn't really there. But once I got in to it I was hooked. I loved that this is a multi POV book so we get to see some of the before meeting from jared.

Danni is such an innocent girl. In experienced, but she's been thru so much. You can't help but feel for her. She captured my heart with her strength. #Survivor.

That ending omg should have guessed it would be more than one look at the title *face palm*

I really enjoyed this debut and I cannot wait to read pt2