toriedawn1's reviews
781 reviews

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

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Suprisingly few deaths in this book. I was going to rate this book lower until about the last 4 chapters and it won me over, this book I found a little slower than the others though that may be due to the fact it focuses on characters that aren't my favorites. Jon Snow is stuck on the wall, Sansa is pretending not to be Sansa, Arya is Pretending not to be Arya and Bran is nowhere to be found and Tyrion is (I can only assume) still fleeing. Jamie however finally seems to have figured out his sister is not good for him. Samwell is developing into an interesting character and Pod is still alive by some miracle. I've bought the next two books and im really hoping the next is released at some point in the near future.
The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

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This book is an excelent though at times pretentious analysis of the human condition and the different ways it is percieved throughout a persons life. The main character does not have a strong personality which for the majority of people is very relatable. The story highlights the difference between the persona we ahow the world and what actually goes on within our minds. Another interesting point it makes is how history (personal or otherwise) can be percieved in different ways depending on that persons mental state and understanding at the time. Overall a facinating book. it lost a star because it was toted as fiction but mostly felt more like schoolwork.
Extinction Reversed by J.S. Morin

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This is one of the best books I've read in a while. It creates a whole world without feeling slow and like a lecture. its hard to explain much without giving too much away but I'd reccomend this book to anyone with even a slight love of sci-fi or dystopian stories.
Project Transhuman by J.S. Morin

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What a short story should be. You definitely need to read the first book before this one if you want to avoid spoilers. Learning about Toby is amazing. How it all began is facinating and it's nice seeing the characters beginnings.
Brain Recyclers by J.S. Morin

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I am loving this series so far, the characters are amazing, the story keeps you interested every step of the way and the pacing is amazing. I adore Charlie and his personality and I like seeing Eve learning to be human, going to start reading the next book straight away.
The School Is Alive! by Jack Chabert

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Good Premise but so badly written, the story doesn't flow at all and could barely hold my attention, my 7 year old god bored two chapters in (for context he has read both books of this length and much longer books several times before)
Teacher's Pet by Richie Tankersley Cusick

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The ending pulled this book up a star, throughout most of the book I felt confused at what was going on, I understand that psychological thrillers can often acchieve this but I personally didn't feel particularly "thrilled" the ending was enjoyable though. The book was getting 2 stars before the last few chapters. If you are into horror give it a go, its not all that long and you may get more out of it than I did.
The Locker Ate Lucy! by Jack Chabert

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I decided to give the second book in this series a try even after the dissapointment of the first, it wasnt as bad but still not great. In this book we get to learn how the school became alive. The writing was still a little disjointed but much better than the first.
Weaponized Human by J.S. Morin

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This story keeps getting better, i love seeing the way each of the humans personalites are developing. There is constant manipulation, secret plans and so much more going on in this book. Judging by the end Plato is finally getting a little less clueless and I can't wait to find out more of what is happening in the next book.
Evan the Horrible by Kimberly King

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I read this book in one sitting as I had to know how it ended. I really enjoyed the characters and getting to know them. Even though the book is only quite short you can quickly become entangled in the threads of this story. I would reccomend this book.