unhingedgirlreader's reviews
131 reviews

Zanim wystygnie kawa by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

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ależ to jest źle napisane… tragedia 😳
Zaburzenie by Thomas Bernhard

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Rozwala na łopatki, muszę przeczytać jeszcze raz bo geniusz tej powieści jest zbyt duży na jedno czytanie. 
Either/Or by Elif Batuman

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I never experienced something like that. Both The Idiot Either/Or touch my inner smile, my soul and I can reread them all the time and find new things I resonate to. I feel like I’m reading a book about myself, Selin and her life seems so similar… Elif Batuman really did it, love her! I wish I could write like that. 
Walk Through Walls: A Memoir by Marina Abramović

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bough and read after Marina Abramović’s exhibition in Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam
Bonjour Tristesse by Françoise Sagan

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i found it quite predictable, however i was still impressed and consider it a good book, especially when you realize that Sagan was only 18 when she wrote it (!)
Happening by Annie Ernaux

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oh to write like her… i can only dream 
The Lover by Marguerite Duras

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hmmm i liked it…. however i need to think it all for at least a week… 
a combination of eroticism and anxiety, raw and minimalist but at the same time very deep and chaotic. i liked it for sure…