a jaunt through europe’s performative politics of the roaring twenties, the doctor a con, the Baron a con, Robin, the original sapphic heartbreaker, and their world a concoction of oyster like opulence and overt self-importance, all of it so wet and gross and shiny.
dogmas for days, save the rapture of xenophobic ramblings, in a period where a mentor and an American were synonymous; the prose is voluptuous. The narrator provides the very thing I love from a novel : decadent visuals, observable and dynamic characters, scenes so beautiful they are literally pressing on the page, drawing fire.
I love that people like Edward Wilson have taken the time to delve into the humanitarian aspects of Biology, as it is everso present in its students. The roots and connections between creative expression and evolution are in fact abundant.
I think you have to have faith in people before they earn it. Otherwise it’s not faith, right? Ugh Camilla!! opening my heart up with a dedicated, forgiving hand. There is no greater empath than Camilla Dunne
Skip the out-of-order 70s starlight name-dropping at the start, which I hope served to provide the reader with visuals and sounds for the book and not to prove that the year is 1979, I have NO criticisms. Literally the best novel I’ve read this side of the year.
I spent the entire novel effectively underlining everything Daisy Jones said. She is alarming, unapologetic, wildy herself and it clocks something deep to hear a woman be so whole, so free.
America, land now owned by the deceitful. The Creeks, the Osage, the black slaves who knew only pain… I can not do 700 pages of humanity-failing history
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
poor girls. girlhood is so magic even in the realm of abuse, which is maybe the worst thing ever. how does emma cline narrate so secretly, allowing this sad story to read smoothly.
immediate prose, so modern. an honest account of living and dying in the 21st century. the children are cruel, life’s nihilism even crueler. the irrelevance of whole pieces of body just disappearing was really scary, because it truly doesn’t matter anymore. we’ve lost mattering and hold on to life for dear solace.