wickedplutoswickedreading's reviews
1214 reviews

Pity the Reader: On Writing With Style by Suzanne McConnell, Kurt Vonnegut

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emotional funny informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

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adventurous funny slow-paced


while I probably prefer man of la mancha, it was good to find where that musical came from.  it was pretty fun though!
Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad

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funny hopeful informative reflective fast-paced


The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien

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adventurous emotional mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced


I dragged my feet a bit on this one. At first, it was because things felt a bit slow. Later, it was becuase I kinda didn't want the book to end. 
But at the same time I desperately wanted to reach the end of the series because, holy crap Tolkien could you expound upon legends and lore. Also, why do so many character have SO. MANY. NAMES. 

This probably sounds like a lot of complaining. And yeah I have a little bit about the length of things.....or the words spent (the amount of songs I basically ignored is significant).
But the characters.....were the driving force in getting me through this series. 
I wanted to see more of the badassery and wisdom of Aragorn (and catch more than just a glimpse of Arwen).
I wanted to see what an absolute bamf Eowyn is. 
I wanted more of the absolute joy that Legolas and Gimli's friendship brought me (did I cry when looking at the appendices timeline for them? maybe)
I wanted to see the absolute character growth of Merry and Pippin from kinda comic relief to forces to be reckoned with. 
I wanted more of kind and brave Faramir, who now is near the tippy top of book bf land for me. 
And I wanted a hella lot more of the friendship (and I still argue, bit of love) of Sam and Frodo. 

This was long. Some parts were more intense than others. But the last couple chapters had me especially on the edge of my seat. 

I can't believe I actually finished this series. And I freaking loved it. 
Perfume from Provence by Winifred Fortescue

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funny lighthearted reflective slow-paced


My opinion of this fluctuated. 
At first, I found the stereotyping of the people around The Fortescue, to be a bit pretentious and rude. It had this feeling of superiority that I was not a fan of. 

But slowly the writing won me over. The narration was full of humor, the author wrote about her ownself with a level of self depreciating humor, and the descriptions of life sounded idyllic. 

I was stuck by how comfortable she was in asking for and accepting help from strange men in the night when her car was stuck in a gully or wandering around by herself and handling all kinds of business that I think, today, sends alot of us into a torrent of "what ifs". 

Ultimately,  I figured out that the way she wrote about the people around her was not done with an ill intent......but was just kind of common for the time. Lady Fortescue herself sounds like she was kind or at least tried her best. 

I was not expecting a couple parts to make me emotional but they did. 

overall, yes its horribly dated and some of the commentary should be taken with a grain of salt but I did enjoy this little glimpse of live in Provence in the 1930s.
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

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adventurous challenging funny tense slow-paced


I hate spiders so much so part of this book was HELL

Took me longer to get through this one, probably because of the split in narrative.  But some thoughts:
🏹Legolas and Gimlis friendship brings me so much joy. 
⚔Aragorn is a badass.
🗡Fuck Boromir.
🌲The Ents are the best part of the book and I might love Pippin and Merry more than I did in the movies.
❤Frodo and Sam are in love and you 100% cannot convince me otherwise. 
📚Faramir has been added to my list of book bfs and may have surpassed Aragorn in my heart.
📖Holy shit Tolkien,  why did you have to give every place and person like 5 different names??
From Absinthe to Zest: An Alphabet for Food Lovers by Alexandre Dumas

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challenging funny informative medium-paced


odd but entertaining little book.  a. ouol3 ingredients were....challenging lol
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
Of all the pretentious drivel.....
if I had to spend one more second listening to the ramblings of a narcissist and his entitled friends I was going to scream. 
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

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adventurous dark funny mysterious tense medium-paced


The setting is interesting and lush, the characters fun and flawed, and the adventure just begun... 

Frodo and Sam are ❤ and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Only two things bothered me.....first, dear God Tolkien we don't need the history of everyone and everything all the time. second, there are not enough ladies in here. 
Poyums by Len Pennie

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emotional tense medium-paced


an intensely personal and emotional collection. 

Its been a long time since I've read a collection of poems that pretty much all rhyme. I enjoyed it though there were a couple here and there that felt a bit teen-angsty. 

Overall though, good collection. Really liked those that were in Scots.