An adorable queer romance. I love the Ouran High School Host Club vibes. And the supportive guy friends! Noah has a pretty interesting journey because of his perception of what a guy looks and acts like. Which I got a bit frustrated because being a guy is however you define it. But in the end, he figured it out.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Ugh I love a good queer love story! It’s doubly awesome because of nonbinary rep. I appreciate how this manga shows that gender is complex and fluid. And it’s so CUTE!
This is a fun little book. I love the Slack message format. The way emojis and gifs are written make them a bit hard to follow, but overall, the chat message tone and pacing was good. I liked the story; it was a bit trippy and surreal, but it was overall an interesting ride. There are moments when the book dips into existentialism but then bounces right back into comedy or lightheartedness, making the deep bits a bit less impactful.
(A review of the whole series) There's something really special about this story. It takes itself seriously, and I appreciate that. The characters are caring and considerate and make some very messy decisions, but they stand by their decisions. I love Taichi as a character. He feels so human. He's boisterous and awkward and feels like he's stuck in his perfect best friend's shadow. He's caring and goes out of the way for the people he cares about. I love how his character develops and how he interacts with the world.
The plot became a bit messy near the end when Toma was in the fight with his friends. I had a super hard time keeping up with the conversation between Taichi, Toma's friends, and Mami's friends. Yes, you can't judge someone's opinion because you don't know their past, but also homophobia is bad. It was such a confusing conversation. But the intent behind that conversation ties really well into this story about perspective and following YOUR dreams and values.
My biggest gripe (which according to the Reddit post I read is the biggest gripe for everyone else who read this series) is the time skip at the end of this volume. While I like that it shows how people and relationships change over time, and I'm happy Toma and Taichi get together in the end because they are very cute together, some of the reveals at Futaba's wedding feel out of place. Like who is that dude? Who is Masumi with? What is going on??? In my perfect little world, Masumi would be married to her wife and having a grand old time. I'm not sure about Futaba; maybe she'd be on her own with a little flower shop or something, maybe she'd be married in the countryside. But at least Masumi would be in a gay relationship.
Overall, I would recommend this series because it explores relationships and personal desire (not in a sexual way, think more life purpose way). There are some amazing friendships and surprising relationships (think Mami and Masumi's friendship). Just a beautiful manga for the most part
(Per usual, a review of the whole series) I’m done! Phew, this manga felt like it took forever. I think I lost the plot in the middle of the series, but I found my way out. The middle after Ebisu dies just DRAGS on forever. But it adds a lot of interesting depth to characters like Nora and Kazuma. But in the end, this story is about humanity and family. It’s about loving the people you love with all your heart. Every character goes through this, even the ones who seem evil at first. Some of the best character arcs are Nora, Bishamon, Kazuma, and Yukine. They all go through their own struggles, but love and friendship pull them through. One big thing does bother me. I wish Hiyori had a bigger part in the climatic fight portion where Yato and Kazuma go for the sorcerer. Hiyori is SO important for most of the story, so her absence is definitely noticed. I get that she isn’t a god or shinki, but given her importance, she deserved more page time. Although the ending is so so sweet.
I’ve stuck with this series for a long time. It was one of my favorite anime, and I was so upset when season three never came. So I’m happy I’m able to finish it now as an adult years later.
I feel like I should have liked this book more as someone who works in the tech industry and generally enjoys characters who are as socially aware as Margo. But sadly I felt a bit lost by the meandering story. I did enjoy the sci fi bits and the plot points about the tech industry, but I wanted more about Lucas, and it felt like he was always aloof, even to the reader.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Somehow, this book is able to capture childhood-like wonder and magic within its pages. It’s amazing. I love the plot and the puns. I love the riddles and the romance. I love Lucy because she’s an unexpected protagonist who has a lot of heart. I love Hugo because he’s a cranky old man who isn’t that old (unless you consider 30 old. And to that I say, ageism is so overrated). I loved how this book depicts motherhood. I love how this book shows how messy it can be (says the person who isn’t a mother and doesn’t plan on being one haha.) I cried like three times, and yes I use that as a barometer for how good a book is. This book is beautiful, magical, and captivating in a way I haven’t seen in a long time. Bravo