yunsq's reviews
147 reviews

Take It Back by Kia Abdullah

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Days of Distraction by Alexandra Chang

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dark emotional funny reflective
  • Loveable characters? Yes


Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano

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a consolation 1 star for myself for finishing the book 

Errrr I don’t get the hype and rave reviews for this book. The fact that the author was telling and not showing the entire time throughout the narrative bugged the hell out of me. This resulting in me not understanding anything of what the MC did - her motivations were unclear. i was not convinced at all that it was imperative to do what she did. Instead of telling me that she’s fighting for the custody of her kids (which never really happened over the duration of the book, it was just a dangling threat that was used to convince a reader that her only way out was to [redacted]), show us her relationship and intricate bond with her children! Everything she did from the friendship with her nanny to her romantic connection with the two other male characters felt so forced and deliberately constructed that completely dislodged me from the story.  
This was the first book I’ve ever listened to that truly made me feel like I wasted time. Never once did I feel so strongly about a horrible novel. 
What annoyed me, even more, was the cliffhanger buried in the last sentence of the epilogue, which is clearly a set-up for a sequel. Knowing that a sequel is due to be published annoys me even more than if this was standalone. I’m usually able to find saving graces in some books I don’t like as much, but this book had nothing going for me. 
Braised Pork by An Yu

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adventurous reflective tense


braised pork is like a quirky indie film that sets my mind spinning trying to figure out the answers - but my heart resonating and commiserating with the magic and solace it portrays. in a way, braised pork by an yu reminds me of long days journey into night, a film by Chinese film director, bi gan. 

i relished every single page of this book, from the first page till the last, with no hurry for it to end.  

braised pork is an enigmatic yet moving book. two polarisations that an yu managed to beautifully portray through this genre-bending, magical realism/mystery novel. i'll be thinking about an yu's writing, and everything her words symbolises in the coming days.