zombiecupcake29's reviews
633 reviews

Thriller: An Anthology of New Mystery Short Stories by Don Bruns

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  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


This book was called Thriller but it was anything but thrilling. Yes I read it in one sitting but that’s only because the stories are pretty short but man getting through some of them was a rough ride and I had to force myself to finish this book. I will usually DNF a book I’m not enjoying but with anthologies/short story collections I try to finish them even if I’m not enjoying myself because there are good stories mixed in with the horrible ones. There were a few stories in here I enjoyed but the majority of them were extreme letdowns.
Queer Little Nightmares by David Ly, Daniel Zomparelli

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dark medium-paced


I don’t really know where to start with this book. As a love of short story collections, especially those in the horror realm, I always know I’m not going to love every single story included so I wasn’t expecting to enjoy every single one of these. However I felt like the majority of these stories felt hurriedly thrown together and like not much thought went into them and their authors just wrote something subpar just to have it included in the book. Now there were three stories in here that will stick with me that were very well written and gave me a lot to think about. Not sure if I will be recommending this to anyone I know or not I feel like if someone is specifically looking for something like this I may but other than that I don’t believe is recommend it. 
The Creepypasta Collection: Modern Urban Legends You Can't Unread by Mrcreepypasta

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dark mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


I’ve listened to MrCreepyPasta since he started his YouTube channel and don’t know how I never knew he came out with short story collections!  I have been absolutely engrossed in this book since starting it to the point that I was so into it I jumped when my phone went off alerting me to a text. This collection compiles a wonderful selection of stories that make you wonder which are true and which are make believe. Like with all short story collections there were a few I didn’t really enjoy as much but all in all this was still a 5 star read for me. Now on to Volume 2.

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Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin

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***I received an ARC of Paper Ghost through netgally for an honest review.

I have been caught in a thriller mood as of late and Julia Heaberlin delivered everything that I wanted. Paper Ghost reaches out and pulled me in from the minutes I started reading. I had a hard time putting it down to finish things in my busy schedule. My only complaint is that it did get a little slow in the middle, but I had no trouble getting through it. If you want a great psychological thriller then I highly recommend checking out Paper Ghost.
The New Dark by Lorraine Thomson

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I received a copy of The New Dark from Bastei Entertainment through Netgally for an honest review.

This book was a wonderful page turning adventure. I had such an enjoyable time with Sorrel. The character development was really great for me. The only issue I had with this book was that the beginning made it very, very difficult for me to get into. I'm glad I pushed though and finished it. Lorraine Thomson did a great job and I can't wait to read the rest.
Storm Crossed by Dani Harper

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I recieved a copy of Storm Crossed from Montlake Romance through Netgally for an honest review.

I absolutely loved this book. I can't decide what I love more the far realm or Trahern and his brother. The love that Trahern and Lissie share is so genuine. I will definitely be finding more of Dani Harper's work soon.