
More Than Forever by Jay McLean

sharonsm_28's review against another edition

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More than Forever is an emotional, hilarious, beautiful, heart breaking, and a healing tale of a first love, an only love, a FOREVER love. It’s a story of love, loss and hope. A story that will make you believe in real and true love. This is a book and series that you don’t want to miss out on.

sheznb's review against another edition

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What is with this series making me cry!!
I know it’s only a story but to me it felt so very real.
I love Lucy! Little firecracker she is and I love when she had a few drinks and became a real spitfire!
You could feel everything her and Cam went through from start to finish and it was such a wonderful read!!!

oddett's review against another edition

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Cam and Luce's story made me tear up so much! When I read More Than This I wanted to see Luca's relationship because you could tell just how much they loved each other and I was so happy with what this book showed us of their relationship. It starts back when they met and it just ends beautifully. Super excited for the next book, hoping its Dylan and Heidi's turn!!

cavityfila's review against another edition

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So this installment is about Cam and Lucy's story. How they met at fifteen and fell in love and were inseparable. It seems like it should be cheesy but it wasn't. It was sweet and loving, innocent and hopeful. And just as they reach their peak happiness and I think that I can't smile any wider, I look down and I'm only halfway through the book. At this point I actually stopped reading to decide, should I just stop it here while they're so sublimely happy? Nothing good can happen next. But I powered through. Knowing that somehow Jay McLean would stomp on my heart for the second half of the book, only to make it better again. And that's what she did. They drift apart when life gets harder and I can actually feel their heartache because I felt their love so deeply. But lucky for us they get their happily ever after. And a lead in to Heidi and Dylan's book!

kizsia's review against another edition

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I have been a fan of this series since the beginning and let me say this one is my favorite of them all.
we met Cam and Lucy in the other books and they were hilarious ;) I was so happy to see they were getting their own story.

They met when they were 15. Lucy was taking care of her 6 brothers while the family was dealing with tragedy. Cam coached her little brothers in baseball and from there we see their relationship start. He was there for her and helped her everyday as she and her family dealt with her mother's passing. for being so young he stepped in everyday.

As time went on they fell in love and experienced a lot of firsts together. ;). we also see the other characters from the other books and I like how all of their stories connected with this. (if you haven't read the other 3 books before I highly recommend it. they will explain a lot)

This story was about love, loss, friendships, family..there was some laughter too..everything you can think of. so many emotions. as they adjusted to college life, there were times Cam made me want to slap him for being so naive.

the funniest parts had to be the Body and Brain conversations lol. I couldn't stop laughing. Also Lucy and her words are too funny;).

Special mention goes to Marky Mark. What an amazing man! I love how much be is there for Cam. His mom was great too.. and also being there for Lucy;) Cam's roomate was cool ;) (the texting scene was hilarious). Lucas (Lucy's brother) was great too! great advice from him and his speech brought tears to my eyes.

The emotions in this book make you feel for them. Family isn't always about's about those that have been there for you & they have seen you at your worse. they stick by you through everything.

Can't wait for the next book...hopefully it's Dylan and Heidi. I need to know what's up with those 2.

I loved this book and I know you will too. This a series you don't want to miss!!

anne_mercier's review against another edition

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Stealing Jay's tagline and altering it a bit... if there was a picture of True Love, it would be Lucy and Cameron. Their story, their love... so profound and inspiring. Through the good and the bad, they still love. I laughed, I cried, I raised my eyebrows, I frowned... I felt so much as I read Cam and Lucy's story. I wish this book never had to end and we could keep going on and on finding out what happens with Lucy and Cam the next day and the next day and the day after that because their story would never get old... it would just continue to inspire.

One of the best reads of 2014 thus far. An absolute 5-star story that's going to stay with me for a long time.

mcarmi's review against another edition

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caitlyntap's review

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Wow, I had been waiting since book one to read Lucy &. Cameron’s story. I was most definitely pleased with their story and ending.

I felt a lot of everything while reading this. I had multiple bursts of laughter, endless tears, fits of anger and stupid giddy smiles.

I love Luce & Cam and i always thought as side characters in the previous books their relationship was perfect. I absolutely adored Lucy and her careless attitude regarding girls who even so much as looked at Cameron. To be completely honest, I didn’t connect as well with Lucy as I thought I would. I loved her in the other books but somehow, I just didn’t feel that way when I read her book.

As for Cameron, I always just assumed he had black hair and brown eyes so when he was described as having dirty blonde hair, it was like a slap to the face. I never really thought much of Cam in the other books but I really liked him. He’s such a sweetheart but maybe too much because he couldn’t tell that that stupid bitch Roxy was flirting with him and trying to get rid of Lucy. That patch in the middle where Cam was losing himself, I was so pissed and just wanted him to suck it up. Rude, I know because he literally did everything everyone else wanted.

I was really caught up in the heartbreak when Cam laud it all out at the dinner with his parents. I couldn’t believe he did that to Luce. I felt so sorrowful towards her because she kept catching Cam with Roxy and he just kept lying to her. Despite it all, I think Luce & Cam are so pure and I ship them a lot.

Did I mention that I loved both of their families? Cam’s mom & Mark are so cute and supportive and Luce’s fam is just the best! I love hearing about her brothers, especially Lachlan because he’s an absolute angel. When he was begging Cam to stay at his party because Cam was his present, I couldn’t stop saying “aww”.

So I don’t know if this is stupid, but I just can’t and won’t pick up Dylan’s book because I thought it was going to be with Heidi but apparently it isn’t and now I just won’t. I absolutely adored Dylan & Heidi in the first book and now they’re just over. It kind of feels like wasted potential and I refuse to read More Than Enough.

Anyway, More Than Forever was better than great however Logan & Amanda still own my heart. Just had to say it :))

bee_reading_books's review against another edition

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Wow. I haven't been so invested in a book in a really long time. I love how 6 years went into one book, but it wasn't rushed. Everything moved along so well. My heart absolutely broke for Cam and Lucy. I think they may very well be in my top 5 book couples.

Mark is my favourite character ever. He's hilarious and I just love the relationship he and Cam have.

inessova's review against another edition

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*** infinity stars ***