
Partisans Daughter by Louis de Bernières

jennybeastie's review against another edition

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I wonder if we are supposed to think that the stories she tells are ok, somehow, because we know that she lies in part. A strange and troubling love story.

qofdnz's review against another edition

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It is possible I am tiring of reading books in which the chapters swap between different character narratives. Initially I was enjoying it and then it just felt very repetitive. I like the way Bernieres writes I just didn't particularly enjoy this story.

katerina273's review against another edition

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*spoilers* (not really but just in case. spoilers for birds without wings tho) ok so this book traumatised me. If you've read it-- you know and bestie I'm so sorry we had to go through that and read that together. but I've just finished it and I'm so sad, damn. *edit: sidenote am I really that sad Chris sir you kinda sucked why didn't you leave your wife hmmm I'm a bit all round sus*. Author really does know how to make you distressed *edit again: am less sad now bc of applying some more critical thought but at the time I guess I was sad bc everyone was ~miSerAble~* with his romances, I was reeled in just to be done like this again, and I enjoy the pain as I've done multiple times before (greetings Corelli's Mandolin and Birds Without Wings, the latter didn't sadden me as much as frustrate me rip to the girlie can't remember her name). I'm hopeful that sir did his research so the Balkans weren't woefully misconstrued, and as I'm a bit of a nerd the things about Yugoslavia in the 20th century were very interesting to me and made me want to learn more. low key lost it when Roza listed all the people she hated, plz chill ma'am. Also, just to clarify, trauma. For characters and reader oh boi.

summary: sad and traumatic times. the Balkans have been at each other, as is generally known. Def want to visit and poke around (apologies I know I will just be walking around like the dumb English tourist I am, my attempts at local language I apologise for in spirit in advance y'all deserve better but I will try my dandiest).

atschakfoert's review against another edition

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An excellent "love" story, though very untraditional and without any kind of happy ending. It is much more realistic for the emotional turmoil that can remain when a relationship inevitably ends and the complications that arise from miscommunication and lack of trust. At the end, one is left wondering how much was actual love and how much was fabricated for the benefit of the other person.

klb72's review against another edition

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Surprisingly moving. Course, romantic, storytelling with great lines. Initially hard to get into, but then unputdownable.

emleerose's review against another edition

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There are few novels that have stayed with me like this one has. This story is about a man, bored with his stable, dependable life, who tries to pick up a young woman, assuming her to be a prostitute, little do either know that this relationship will be one that will shape and influence their lives, for the short period in which they are together.

These were both amazingly human characters, who were inherently relatable and felt so human and flawed while reading that, whilst this is a short novel, it was impossible to stop for a second.

This book is about stories, how we tell them, why we tell them and what they mean. Roza, when she and Chris become friends following their curious introduction, begins to tell him her story, and as the story becomes increasingly outlandish I began to question how one person could have lived such a wild life, and still only be young? Yet the novel also suggests that, in a way, it is not so much whether the stories are true that matters, so much as how they are told and the impacts they have.

I regularly start to think about this book out of nowhere, pondering the novel's truth, and have come to accept the idea that the story was wonderful, and that at its core is more important than the truth.

sanjee_b's review against another edition

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Not sure what to make of this; don't like or dislike it. It's not my favorite of his work, but it was interesting.

bernab's review against another edition

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2,5 stars rounded up to 3.
It was an OK book with very unlikeable characters but I liked the structure of the story.

muhanna's review against another edition

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تشير مقالة عرض في جريدة الجاردين الى ان الرواية لن تلاقي ربح مادي الا اذا تم اقتباسها بفلم سنمائي تؤدي فيه دور البطلة الممثلة سكارلت جوهانسن.

عموما الشركة المترجمة اختارت كلمة محازبي لترجمة كلمة partisan وهو ما عقد الفكرة بدل توضيحها من ان المقصود المنتمي للحزب وليس خطأ في طباعة كلمة الحربي.

ومع هذا فإن الترجمة الحرفية للعنوان الاصلي كان يجب ان تكون (ابنة الرفيق).

وفي مطلق الاحوال هذه رواية قصيرة واحداثها سريعة مشوقة. يتم سردها بتقنية صوت الراوي البطل والبطلة. تحكي قصة مقيمة بصورة غير قانونية في بريطانيا ومعاناتها وشغف البطل بها ومعاناته في حياته الرتيبة المملة الى ان تنتهي الرواية نهاية ماساوية تجعلك تتامل امرين اثنين.

الاول الفرص التي اضعناها.

والثاني كم الصدق فيما نحكيه او نرويه عن انفسنا.

sarahc3319's review against another edition

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I was looking forward to this, since I really enjoyed all his other books (I haven't read them all yet). I was surprised to see it was barely more than a novella, and saddened to read a Roth-esque old man- young girl "love story" that was just okay. It lacked his usual wit and humor and I am glad it was a fast read.