
Чудо-Женщина: Земля-1. Книга 1 by Grant Morrison

ktrusty416's review against another edition

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Two words: Hot. Mess.

mahobilly2002's review against another edition

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Beautiful art and an interesting idea for a re-telling but the plot and characterization are a mess and the dialogue is terrible. I expected more from Grant Morrison.

But seriously, Yanick Paquette's art and Nathan Fairbairn's coloring is freaking fantastic.

amyjoy's review against another edition

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This was ... weirder than I expected. Diana's on trial for going into Man's World against her mother's orders, and the book jumps back and forth between the trial and the stuff leading up to the trial. A lot of the language is very Paradise Island formal and occasionally hard to parse. The art is lovely, though perhaps a shade too pin-up-y for what I like to see for Wonder Woman.

This book gets bonus points for Diana's lesbian relationship with Mala (though I had hoped for some on page smooching) and making Steve Trevor black. Those are both excellent.

britterization's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this a lot more than I did.

I haven't read a WW comic before (and I won't be reading more of this iteration), but I was familiar with some of the character's backstory.

I kind of found that the way the story was told was confusing. It jumps back and forth in time, and the character's actions and motivations made no sense. Also, like, in what world would women all by themselves walk around in that freaking get up? No way. It'd be yoga pants and comfy shirts as far as the eye can see.

I liked the artwork and the Greek mythology bits (which were definitely bits and seemed wildly inaccurate).

Also, at one point, WW insults a group of men by saying that they throw (or something similar) "like girls". WHAT? I thought this was supposed to be feminist?

Fat Amy (and like, the character was a dead ringer for Rebel Wilson) was the best part of the whole thing, and even she was a hollow caricature.

I just keep on striking out with DC. This was not for me. 1 star.

paio's review against another edition

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This was a mess.
I don´t even know where to start.
The truth is that the origins of Wonder Woman contained a lot of BDSM and the author wanted to pay homage to that (I think?). But the result of his work was anything but grand.
To be honest the BDSM mentions weren't even what made this bad, it was the characters that really blew it.
Diana is portrayed as this spoiled child who leaves Themiscira only to want to return after seeing how men lead to the "disfigurement" of women, because, you know, every women that isn't tall, strong with the looks of a model, sucks. We are suppose to believe that in the end she always had a goal in mind instead of just throwing a tantrum. We are given a side character that is just there for the giggles, but comes out incredibly dry.
This shows a completely backwards view of feminism and of what Wonder Woman is really about.
But that's not all. Let's talk about art. Very pretty, very little practical.
I found myself having to read pages two or three times to understand what was really happening, though the decorations between panels were nice, it wasn't practical at all and made me have to pull back from the story just to understand what the hell was going on. Art is supposed to be beautiful, but when making a comic it is also supposed to serve its main purpose which is to get the point across, to illustrate events,to be at times straightforward. This embellished too much, it was aesthetically pleasing yet there were times where the narrative was interrupted by art and it shouldn't be so. The lesson of the story, sometimes less is more

erwikka's review against another edition

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I love Morrison’s writing, he has written some of my favorite comic stories. Seeing he take on Wonder Woman was so great and the artist he paired with was the icing on the cake. If you are a WW fan give this iteration a chance.

vikrmm's review against another edition

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Absolutely adored this take on Wonder Woman and it made me so happy to see issues like patriarchy brought up and seeing modern feminism collide with the Amazon’s archaic worldview to give us an amazing Wonder Woman origin tale.

libscote's review against another edition

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I liked it for many of the same reasons my friend Ame did, but I had some issues with the body-shaming comments of the Amazons. That made me really uncomfortable. I'll be interested to see where it goes from here.

alexandra19's review against another edition

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Am inteles oarecum ce a intentionat autorul sa spuna cu aceasta carte, dar mi s-a parut ca acest feminism este absolut dus la extrem si ca un exemplu de agresivitate asupra femeilor defineste toata actiunea. Ceea ce, sincer, nu mi-a placut absolut deloc. Recunosc, este prima carte de benzi desenate cu supereroi pe care am citit-o si ma asteptam la altceva, tocmai pentru ca am vazut si filmul unde este pus mai mult accentul pe Diana si pe puterile ei, decat pe idee ca exista o lume „a barbatilor” unde femeile sunt total ignorate si asuprite. Desi s-a citit foarte usor, nu mi-au facut o mare placere momentele petrecute in „compania” ei.

lobodepapel's review against another edition

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Eso sí, que bonito dibujo <3