
The Heart Keeper by Alex Dahl

fyrrea's review

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Ocena: 4
Wrażenia: Pamięć komórkowa to ciekawy temat - na ile rzeczywiście istnieje, a na ile jest to psychologiczny mechanizm radzenia sobie z tak ciężką sytuacją, jaką jest przeszczep narządu? Na pubmedzie można sobie poszukać artykułów na ten temat (polecam). A sama książka świetna, bohaterowie nie są papierowi, trzyma w napięciu.
Dla kogo: Dla mam może być to niezły kop emocji, ale i tak polecam.

ajnel's review

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emotional hopeful reflective sad tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


A psychological suspense novel that explores the loss by a mother of a young daughter, whose heart in turn provided the only way of survival for someone else's daughter of a similar age.  Grief can be so powerful that a mother can start to belief that the heart carries the essence of her daughter.  Though it is a slow burn, with a focus over developing the relevant psychological conditions, this novel never loses its 'edge'.  Thoroughly engaging. 

thephdivabooks's review

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What if there were still a part of someone you lost still beating? What would you do to hold on to that person just a bit longer?

A dark, heart-wrenching novel that was rich with raw emotions and vivid descriptions. Nordic noir is truly a unique genre. Books within it may range from mysteries to thrillers to dramas, but there is a stylistic and atmospheric feeling to them that is uniquely that genre. I’d classify Alex Dahl’s The Heart Keeper as a suspenseful domestic drama but with that signature Nordic noir vibe.

About the Book

It was an accident, but in that moment Alison’s whole world changed. After her daughter Amalie drowns, Alison is plunged int a state of despair she can’t escape from. She drinks too much, her husband and her barely touch each other, she takes leave from work, but nothing makes it better. As winter falls in Norway, Alison doesn’t know that she can keep holding on without Amalie.

Iselin’s world changed that day too. A single mother with no support from her parents, Iselin is barely able to make ends meet. She’s spent most of her adult life caring for her sick daughter, Kaia. But then a miracle happens—Kaia receives a new heart. As Kaia recovers, she becomes the girl she was always meant to be. And she has developed some new quirks as well.

Cellular memory is the notion that sometimes recipients of a transplanted organ retain some memories of the donor. Memories that live in every cell of their body. When Alison learns of cellular memory, she becomes obsessed with the idea. Maybe something of Amalie is still there, living on in the girl who received her heart. And so Alison finds a way in. But her grief turns her good intentions into a dangerous obsession. Nothing and no one, certainly not Iselin, will stop her from regaining the daughter she lost.


Alex Dahl is such a talented writer. The way she explores the emotions of these two mothers was quite captivating. I felt their pain, their joy, how touching these moments with Kaia could be. I’m not a mother myself, but I found I was able to connect with both women so acutely.

The idea of cellular memory was one that remained open-ended in this book. At times Kaia did seem to have retained some of Amalie. At other times there were rational explanations for it. But ultimately, though a part of Amalie beat in Kaia’s chest, Amalie herself wasn’t there anymore. I found that to be the most heart-wrenching part of the story, watching as Alison sought to find threads of the daughter she lost.

The suspense was truly something, because it snuck up on me. I found the ending sequence brilliant and well-written. The final epilogue has stuck with me long since I finished the book. There’s something a bit haunting about it, but of course I won’t spoil what that is!

A fantastic Nordic noir drama for fans of emotional, raw, well-written books with a suspenseful twist.

Thank you to Berkley for my copy. Opinions are my own.

beastreader's review

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I liked this book. It does show the struggles that not only a mother but a family goes through when they experience the death of their child. Alison is was not only one that was hurting. Her husband was too.

Iselin was learning her to be a mother again (not a caretaker). Kaia was so sick before receiving her new heart. I liked Kaia. She is a sweetheart. Where Alison is concerned I understood where she was coming from regarding getting close to Kaia. Yet, at the same time I felt bad for Kaia. She was her own person but Alison was trying to turn her into her daughter.

While, I did like this book; I thought there were be more tense moments between Iselin and Alison. Even when Iselin learned who Alison was, she reacted but it seemed mild. In fact, the last third of the story seemed a bit rushed compared to the rest of the story.

rstock's review

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Interesting progression, Alex is a great writer. 

majkaem's review against another edition

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Tento príbeh je rozprávaný z dvoch pohľadov, Alisoninho a Iselinho. Jeden je obrazom smútku, kedy pri nehode zomrie Alisonina dcéra, zatiaľ čo druhý je obrazom nádeje kde Iselina dcéra dostane druhú šancu na život vďaka transplantácií srdca. Možno na prvý pohľad tieto príbehy nemajú nič spoločné. Ale opak je pravdou. Postavy mi prišli veľmi reálne, aj keď niektoré rozhodnutia a činy sa mi zdali zvláštne.

Alison sa so smrťou dcéry nevie zmieriť ale zistí, že srdce jej dcéry dostane dievčatko, ktoré býva neďaleko nej a v hlave jej skrsne šialený plán. V poďakovaní autorka spomenie, že niektoré veci popísané v knihe sú reálne a naozaj sa stali a keď si spomeniete na príbeh, prebehnú vám po chrbte zimomriavky.

Kniha prináša príbeh, ktorý je smutný, dojemný a plný bolesti. Veď ako sa môže cítiť matka, ktorá stratila dieťa. Ale na druhej strane je príbeh plný nádeje a radosti zo života. Premelie sa vo vás búrka emócií. S hlavnými postavami si poplačete ale ucítite aj radosť z nových začiatkov.

Príbeh začal veľmi dobre, ale v strede knihy sa napätie troška pominulo a dej sa miestami vliekol, ale neskôr sa napätie a „dusno“ do knihy vráti a nesie sa až do samotného záveru knihy, ktorý bol neočakávaný ale podľa môjho názoru, veľmi rýchlo ukončený. Priala by som si, aby bol záver viacej rozvinutý. Na to, aký bol príbeh „rozsiahly“ mi koniec prišiel veľmi unáhlený.

Kniha sa dobre čítala aj vďaka krátkym kapitolám a dej ubiehal rýchlo (až na tých pár strán v strede knihy) a napätie, ktoré je na konci vás nenechá len tak jednoducho knihu spustiť z rúk.

ianmcnamara's review against another edition

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This was an emotional read, the characters in this book were well developed and you could really feel the emotion of all the characters. Alison was clearly struggling with the loss of her daughter and her and her husband were falling apart. losing a child has to be one of the most devastating things you can go through as a parent specially a child so young and to such a freak accident.

The book specially the first part was really emotional and you could really feel the struggles and personalities of the characters come out Oliver Alisons step sun was one of my favourite characters he was mature and shown good empathy and understanding. The ending of the book was very fitting. I read the first novel the boy at the door by this author and it was good to get something completely different with this one, however it did not affect the quality of the writing or the story. Both subjects have been handled fantastically well by the author and I can't wait to read her next novel playdate. She's an author I'll be adding to my fans list in regards to looking out for new material. it's also great learning more about Norway.

biblionnoisseur's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional medium-paced


dehood's review

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dark emotional sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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mhite11's review

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adventurous emotional hopeful informative mysterious reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
