
Der Grantige: Roman by Tuomas Kyrö

clairemar's review against another edition

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I won this book from Readersfirst so here's my review:

The story of this book follows an 80 years old Grump in his quest to prepare for his own death by making his own cofin and writing his will. With the help of his own son he runs his errands while ranting about various matters and we witness some parts of his life and history.
Although the concept may sound a bit dark, I found the main character and the writing so amusing and charming! I wouldn't really call it a black comedy, as it was advertised.The Grump's unique perspective had me laughing so many times.
Another thing I enjoyed was the occasional glimpse of life in Finland through the eyes of an older, more tradiional person. Tuomas Kyro is a Finnish writer and the story is set there, so I felt I got to know a little bit of another culture, which is always something I particularly enjoy in books.
This book definitely made me think of my own grandpa, who wasn't grumpy a day in his life, but that's another story!
Great and easy read!So glad I won this!

msaari's review against another edition

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Hauska ja liikuttava. Vanhan jäärän pakinakokoelmasta on kasvanut täysimittainen henkilöhahmo ja juonellinen romaani. Mielensäpahoittaja ryhtyy pistämään asioita järjestykseen, muun muassa nikkaroimaan arkkua ja laatimaan testamenttia. Rintaperillinen ei oikein osaa suhtautua, ja monta muutakin perin herkullista käännettä aikaiseksi saadaan. Hieno kirja.

juniperusxx's review against another edition

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Paljon tuttuja aineksia aiemmista Mielensäpahoittaja-kirjoista, mutta myös uusia tarkkanäköisiä havaintoja elämästä. Sympaattinen, haikea ja viisaskin kirja, tykkäsin.

tui's review against another edition

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Jälleen kerran aivan mahtava. Sopivasti surumielisyyttä ja iloa.

maureensbooks89's review against another edition

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A little while ago I was asked to be a part of the blog tour of ‘Happy Days of the Grump’ by Toamas Kyrö. Since I was looking for a read, a little different from my normal reads, this book sounded like a great next read. So after I received the book, I started reading as soon as possible.

In ‘Happy Days of the Grump’ we meet, yes, the Grump. The Grump is an eighty year old who has had enough of life. He is building his own coffin, and writing his own will all with the idea of being dead soon. But then the Grump falls and is hospitalized and soon the Grump is forced to think about his plans and the life he led.

Although this book definitely had its funny moments, it was much more serious than I anticipated. The Grump really is this old grumpy man I would probably dislike in real-life. Especially since the Grump has very old fashioned ideas about woman. But aside from that he has his charms. And in the end I really came to like him.

The writing in ‘Happy Days of the Grump’ was definitely a little different. And it took some getting used too! But after a little while I started to appreciate, being inside the Grumps head. It was different, but good.

Overall this book was a fun read, but I did miss a little more depth into the character. But it was definitely an enjoyable read.

lintulai's review against another edition

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Antti Litjaa kuunnellessa on kuin olisi paremmassakin teatterissa. Tuomas Kyrö takaa laadun, ja Mielensäpahoittaja herää henkiin, vaikka siis suunnitteleekin kuolemaansa. Mielensäpahoittaja on vahvasti kiinni ajassa ja yhteiskunnassa, oppii käyttämään sylitelevisiota ja suunnittelee hautajaisiaan kirkkorouvan kanssa. Kyllä minä niin mieleni pahoitin, kun tämä kirja loppui.

amothersmusings1's review against another edition

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Having read "A Man Called Ove" I was really looking forward to this book "The Happy Days of the Grump" by Thomas Kyro - however, sadly it didn't live up to my expectations.
The Grump at 80 years old, plans for his own demise by building his own coffin and writing his will. But when he finds himself in hospital after a fall, his life passes before his eyes.
Although very similar in premise, it didn't have the depth of characterisation or storyline I was hoping for and I was left quite disappointed.
There are some amusing parts to the story and is still worth a read especially to new readers of these type of 'grumpy old man' stories but anyone who has read 'Ove' may find this lacking emotionally and in dry humour too.

risky_oak's review against another edition

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 Διαβάστε τις 3εις κριτικές σε μία για τα βιβλία σε μετάφραση στο μπλογκ μου βιβλιοαλχημείες

In the last two weeks of November I read three books in translation, another chapter in my journey of reading the world. The drawbacks of this journey is that most of the time I'm drawn by the nationality of the author and not the book's story. Especially when I haven't read from said country before.

Why a drawback? Because most of the time I encounter mediocre books, or to be less offensive, books that didn't work for me.
All of these three books with the exception of de Sade's carbuncle, were just good, not amazing, but not mediocre either.

The books
The Yacoubian Building
Happy Days of the Grump
The 120 days of Sodom

This Book
Ilosia aikoja
COUNTRY: Finland

Happy Days of the Grump by Tuomas Kyrö is as the title indicates a book for those who are fans of [b:A Man Called Ove|18774964|A Man Called Ove|Fredrik Backman||21619954] a story taking place in neighbouring country Sweden.

I haven't read it but what I felt when I finished this book was that it was a cute book, and that's all.

An 80 year old man disappointed from life decides to give an end to everything, his life included, but a serious accident will make him see things differently and will start reconciliating with people, situations, problems that he was avoiding until that moment.

I think it's a mistake to compare this book with Ove. It's unsafe, because comparisons in favour of Ove are unavoidable.
Comparisons are usually for the sake of marketing and promotion.

I suggest to read this book first before moving on with Ove.
I don't think the other way round would be ideal.

poskisuudelma's review against another edition

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Nauroin useamman kerran ääneen, ja lopussa itkin. Tämä oli parempi kuin saman sarjan aiemmat. Nyt tekee jopa mieli lukea Ruskeakastike, ehdin jo ajatella ettei tästä formaatista enää saa revittyä mitään. Onneksi olin väärässä.

sndrspk's review against another edition

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Vlot geschreven, soms grappig, maar vooral voorspelbaar en cliché.