
Anjo Sombrio by Cynthia Hand

kadencethereader's review against another edition

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challenging emotional funny hopeful lighthearted mysterious reflective sad medium-paced
  • Loveable characters? Yes


gabyijo's review against another edition

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THAT did not just happened. ASDFGHKLKKLJSJFD. *Takes deep breath and breathes out* Okay. I'm gonna start this review by proudly admitting that I am Team Tucker. I want Clara to be with Tucker because the love that they share is real, and not just bounded by purpose. The love that they share is cute because they didn't like each other at first. It's the love that grows without them noticing, and I think that is the most beautiful type of love. Doesn't mean I don't like Christian though. I think Christian is absolutely swoon-worthy. I would gladly take Christian if Clara chooses Tucker. But the thing about Christian is, no matter what the visions are, the future is still the future and it is never fixed. Who says Tucker will have a normal life if he is to be with Allison? From the very beginning, his life is never normal. So I'm really hoping that Clara is going to end up with Tucker. Really, really hoping. Not that kind of hope when you're waiting for a train and the screen says that the train will arrive in 4 minutes, but more like a wishful thinking... Because now I really have no idea what's going to happen. I hate love triangles.

The story was amazing though. Clara's thoughts were very inspiring, especially the part that involves Tucker and his love. Angela's speech is also very touching and true. In short, this book was incredible. I literally can't put it down since I started reading the book a couple of nights before. I had to stop just because I need to eat, go out and do some HW, but other than that, I'll be caught up in the book, not wanting to move. Though the first 150 pages were kinda slow, meaning that nothing big really happened, the last few chapters paid everything off. Some of the missing puzzle pieces were finally put together, and in a very unexpected way too. Jeffrey, who would've realized his purpose and why he is so angry at Clara?

As of the characters, I think I'm getting more information about Christian's life and it's great. Jeffrey is no longer the boy who only thinks about himself. And Clara, still the same Clara, but she's getting closer and closer to her purpose. And unlike the previous book, Angela is less bossy here. The scene when she apologizes to Clara made me like her better. I'm really curious to what really happened between Samjeeza and Clara's mother, which I really hope will be explained in the next book.

The part about Clara trying to choose what's best for Tucker kind of bothers me though. It's Tucker's life, Clara, he should be responsible for all of his choices. And if he chooses you, then he chooses you. Clara can't just leave Tucker just because she knows that Tucker is better off without her. If Clara is forcing herself to let Tucker go, even though Tucker doesn't want to let her go, I think she's being selfish and stupid. Maybe she doesn't want Tucker that much, that's why she's letting him go. Because if you love someone that much and he loves you back that much, in the end, no matter how many times you break up, you'll end up being with him, so might as well push your negative thoughts away and follow your heart. Hmph, good to know that I learned something from romance novels.

But anyways, Hallowed was an unbelievably mind-blowing book. Usually sequels are less better than the first book, but I think this book is better than the first one. I hope to see improvements in book 3, the finale.

befsk's review against another edition

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A hell of a lot more action packed than the first book of the series. Didn't once feel that middle-book-syndrome some mid-series books get. I much preferred this book to Unearthly. The whole love triangle thing was just a boring distraction though.

madqueeen's review against another edition

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Amazing, I'm hoping that there's another book coming!

lorilaws's review against another edition

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I really, really adored Unearthly and that came as quite a shock to me because I usually do not like angel books. But Unearthly was different. It kind of stole my heart and it even ended up being mentioned on my favorite books of 2010 list. So needless to say Hallowed was a very anticipated book for me and rest assured that I loved it.

I'm going to say it right now, I have no idea how I'm going to review this book. None. I have so many feelings, but it's going to be so hard to share them without giving anything away. I will say that this book is completely captivating. I had the most horrible time putting it down. Everything was ignored until I finished this book. Cynthia Hand is very talented at hooking her readers and not letting them go until the very last word.

Hallowed made me feel very different than Unearthly. The first book made me feel all warm and fuzzy. It made me fall hopelessly in love with Tucker Avery. This one has a more serious spin. It's very emotional. That's really all I can say without spoiling some things for you.

Some of the mysteries in the first book are revealed. Some new ones are put into play. I was the tiniest, most miniscule amount disappointed with one aspect of the book. (Vague much? But when you read it I bet you will understand what I'm talking about.) It was not enough to bring the rest of the book down and I have a feeling that book 3 will more than make up for it.

Overall this is a fantastic follow-up. Unearthly was not just a one shot deal. This is proving to be a really extraordinary series. I apologize for my vague review, but I really don't want to give anything away. You will just have to read it and find out for yourself. Trust me, you do not want to miss it.

braideeg's review against another edition

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sixth grade me love these books

sandralam's review against another edition

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I'm pleasantly surprised by how well I'm loving this series.

My Thoughts:

1. I like how different the paranormal romance is in this series. Take note paranormal YA authors, this is how I want all paranormal romance to be!!

2. As for the plot, it was pretty predictable in my opinion. The hints that the author gave made it very obvious.

3. I absolutely love the character development in Hallowed. We get to see a different side to Christian and it's great to see Clara's character mature as well.

4. My only criticism would be that the ending felt rushed.
Spoiler I was kind of expecting Samjeeza to do more at the funeral. I mean, the author built up so much suspense up until that scene and it felt kind of anti-climatic when nothing big happened

Spoiler As a Tucker fan I felt so heartbroken when they parted ways! Clara HAS to end up with Tucker just because she "belongs" with Christian isn't enough of a reason to be with him!!

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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The only word that comes to mind when I think of this book and this series, is "beautiful".

The writing is beautiful; written in first person, present tense. The prose is lyrical, sometimes poetic. The dialogue is sweet, endearing and often highly amusing. I've never really had any great love for present tense narrative before now. It's so rare, I've only actually come across it once before. With that series, it drove me completely nuts. With this, I barely gave it a second thought because it just flows from Hand in such an effortless way, that it's clear to me why she chose it. Because it fits her style, and it really makes the writing stand out to me, but in a good way this time. It helps you to feel everything Clara feels right there in real time; every decision that's made you can understand her reasons for- even if you don't necessarily like the decision- because you've just watch her struggle to make it. This means you can really empathise with her.

The characters are also beautiful. And I don't just mean outer appearance, although they are that too, but that's almost irrelevant in this series. It is a very character driven piece. I'm actually surprised how much I like it as, action wise, it is on the gentle side and I am a card-toting action lover. But I'm just so darn in love with these amazing characters, these incredible young people, and the confusing, heartbreaking journey they are on. They are each at a pivotal time in their lives; at an age where life-changing decisions are often made, but for these guys, those decisions are so much bigger. The conflict Clara is going through is so fascinating, and other parts of it were simply gut-wrenching. I admit to crying like a baby for a large portion of this novel

I haven't mentioned much in terms of plot but I'm sure other reviewers will fill you in on that score. But I will say there were a number of shocks, surprises and big reveals in this book. There were also some big changes- those darn decisions I mentioned earlier- which I'm not sure I'm totally on board with yet, but I will definitely be waiting with breathless anticipation for the next book to see where that leads us to.

I would recommend this series to all. Young, old, YA lover or not, because it is simply...wait for it...beautiful :)

hazelaudyy's review against another edition

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Kalo mau baca buku ini HARUS baca buku sebelumnya ya.
Soalnya pasti bingung deh nanti :p

Spoiler Jadi di bagian akhir di buku pertama itu kan ternyata kebakaran hutan. Nah si Clara menjalankan misinya itu kan, soalnya kebakaran hutan ada di penglihatannya. Ternyata oh Ternyata Kebakaran hutan itu ada dua lokasi. lokasi pertama (yang clara yakin banget kalo ada Tucker dsitu) lokasi kedua ( lokasi Christian berada seperti yang ada di penglihatannya).Karena Clara cinta Tucker setengah mati, akhirnya ia menyelamatkan tucker terlebih dahulu trus kemudian baru menyelamatkan Christian. Aaaah ada kejutan lagi saat menyelamatkan Christian. TERNYATAAA CHRISTIAN ITU KETURUNAN MALAIKAT JUGA SEPERTI CLARA....!! OH MY.. *gue jadi kasian sama tucker yang hanya manusia biasa :(*

Di buku kedua ini, Angel's Club yang dibentuk berdasarkan ide Angela sekarang tambah anggota yaitu Christian. Nah mereka selalu diskusi tentang hal hal berbau malaikat gitu deh setelah pulang sekolah.

Di buku ini, Clara dapet penglihatan lagi lewat mimpi yaitu dia berada di sebuah kuburan. Disitu ada adiknya, Jeffrey, Angela dan Christian. Trus setiap penglihatan itu muncul dia langsung ngerasa sedih kaya ada sesuatu yang hilang. Clara kemudian mikir jangan jangan tucker bakal mati? karena di penglihatannya juga, Clara ga liat Tucker. :( Clara dsini mikirnya udah macem macem. pokoknya dia nempel terus mah sama Tucker karena ngira bahwa tucker yang bakalan mati.

Suatu hari saat Tucker dan Clara sedang bercakap cakap. Clara tanya ke Tucker dia mau kuliah dimana? Trus Tucker ternyata memutuskan untuk engga kuliah. Karena di Wyoming lah kehidupannya berada. Padahal Clara berniat kuliah di Stanford. Ehmm yang artinya mereka bakal LDR-an setelah lulus.

Nah trus di suatu rapat Angel's club, Angela menemukan sebuah penelitian kalo umur seorang keturunan malaikat itu tidak lebih 120 tahun. Dan kemudian Clara inget ibunya yang umurnya mendekati 120, dan baru Clara ingat akhir akhir ini ibunya cepat lelah dah lemah. Dan Clara baru sadar kalo ibunya ternyata sedang sekarat...

Bener aja deh, waktu Clara dan Jeffrey pulang ke rumah, ibunya baru bilang kalo dia lagi sekarat gitu deh. Maggie (Ibunya Clara) menunjuk temannya untuk menjadi Wali untuk Clara dan Jeffrey. Nah ibunya dalam masa masa sekarat tuh, udah gabisa ngapa2in di tempat tidur terus. Dan suatu hari bapaknya dateng jeng jeng trus ketemu deh sama Clara, Jeffrey, dan istrinya. Nah bapaknya membeberkan suatu rahasia yang belum diketahui oleh Clara dan Jeffrey. Bapaknya ternyata Intangere!!!!! Intangere adalah malaikat murni. Jadi Clara itu adalah Triplare(perpaduan Intangere dana Dimidius) yang juga keturunan malaikat yang paling langka dan powerful.

Pokoknya di buku kedua ini lebih seru. Dan di buku kedua ini Tucker cekcok sama Christian dan juga Clara. Karena Christian makin dekat dengan Clara, dan Tucker jealous abis. Huuuh #akulelah -__-

Yang jelas seru sih, bagian malaikat2 sekarang lebih jelas dan lebih terjawab. Samjeeza atau Sayap hitam juga banyak dibahas dibuku ini xD

brendalovesbooks's review against another edition

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This was good, but I didn't like it as well as the first one. A lot of the elements I really liked in the first one weren't there. Clara was still in a relationship with Tucker, but it was more of a tell and not show type of thing. We barely saw them together in this book. In fact, Tucker wasn't in this book much at all.

Also, the setting, which was described so prevalently in book one wasn't here as much either. It's understandable. The area where they live has already been sufficiently described, but I missed it. I missed Clara taking hikes and going fishing and stuff.

And the love triangle. Even if you have your character acknowledge that the love triangle is overdone, it still doesn't make it better when you use it. It almost makes it worse that the author knows readers are sick of it, but did it anyway because she thinks she can do it better or she has to have it or whatever. I'm just so so tired of that plot element.

The story is still good, and I enjoyed reading it, but it wasn't nearly the breath of fresh air that the first one was. It became more run of the mill YA. Kind of a bummer.