
O caçador by Renato Marques, Lars Kepler

r2bone's review against another edition

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Apart the strange story of the lady who gets pregnant in a bathroom stall, the book is as good a page turner as the rest, although the main character doesnt have as much impact on the story as we are led to think. Worth a read.

thirre92's review against another edition

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adventurous dark tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? N/A


basicbsguide's review against another edition

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Not my favorite of the series. Felt a little too predictable and dragged towards last 1/3. I also needed more Joona and Saga. 3.5 stars

Rankings from what I’ve read:

1. stalker
2. sandman
3. rabbit Hunter

melonpea's review against another edition

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Absolutely brilliant. There's a few conversations that seem a bit abrupt but I'm assuming that's to do with the translation.

mistylyn's review against another edition

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I will first admit to never having read any of the other works by this husband and wife team who write under the pen name Lars Kepler. That may have worked against me here, as the novel contained references to past events that might have added another layer to the story. Overall, however, I just wasn’t impressed—though I think I know why.

The story here is woven in various fits and starts that eventually come together. Though the story actually begins to unwind around the 75% mark, it weaves and bobs and carries the reader on a wild ride that could have been enjoyable. I say “could have”, as the writing itself is just a hot mess. My theory is that the author who handled the translation from Swedish to English just wasn’t completely up to the task. The sentence structures are choppy, transitions are awkward (at times even nonexistent), and the nuances of the Swedish language are simply lost.

I wish I had been able to read this in its original form, as I would be willing to bet that it is a true page turner. As I don’t read or speak the language, however, I will have to settle for this novel being a brilliant story, told in a mediocre way through a muddled translation that simply missed the mark. If you are Swedish fluent, definitely give this one a go. Otherwise, steer clear and spend the time either learning the language or finding another read.

steve95's review against another edition

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dark mysterious tense fast-paced


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isabelrosereads's review against another edition

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Thank you so much to Knopf for this stunning finished copy of THE RABBIT HUNTER by Lars Kepler! You guys... This book was fantastic

juniperusxx's review against another edition

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Olen tykännyt Joona Linna -sarjasta, mutta jostain syystä tämä kuudes osa ei minua innostanut, jäi tähänastisista heikoimmaksi lenkiksi. Jännitystä löytyi, mutta toistuvat teurastusmaiset murhat lähinnä ällöttivät ja vähän pitkästyttivätkin. Paljon dekkareita lukeneelle tässä oli liikaa lajityyppiin kuuluvia samankaltaisuuksia, kirja ei päässyt erottumaan muista kaltaisistaan.

grettukou's review against another edition

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Keplerio serija apie Joną Liną yra mano viena mėgstamiausių detektyvinių serijų. Vis dėlto, būtent ši dalis labai smarkiai nuvylė. Galbūt ir per griežtai vertinu, bet ši knyga yra nesulyginama su kitomis dalimis.

Keršto istorija apie negailestingą žudiką. Daugybė baisių detalių, jokio modus operandi, kvaili detektyvų sprendimai bei apsižiūrėjimai ir dar ganėtinai nuobodus siužetas.

Ir štai dar keletas perliukų iš nuostabaus vertimo/redagavimo:
“Ilgi kapitono plaukai buvo supinti į kasą, jis buvo tatuiruotas iki pat pirštų ir apvedęs akis juodu pieštuku. Buvo panašu, kad kitiems įgulos nariams patiko, kaip jis vaidina kapitoną Žvirblį, tad jie vadindavo jį Džeku.”
“Jis išgirdo, kaip telefonas Oskarui iškrito iš rankų ant drabužinės grindų iškrito telefonas […].

busdjur's review against another edition

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Den här följer mönstret från tidigare böcker i serien - psykologiskt djup, obehagligt detaljerade beskrivningar av illdåd och en story som växlar mellan tvära kast och lugna sekvenser på ett trivsamt sätt. Utredningsteamet tar dock ett steg tillbaka i den här boken och fokuset hamnar istället i än högre grad på fallet och de personer som är involverade i det vilket inte är helt fel givet typen av bok. Men det känns tråkigt att förut djupa personligheter blir plattare..