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pershephone's review against another edition
Mi-a placut introducerea adaugata (poate chiar ma dezgusta fara ea)si ii inteleg importanta ,dar asta nu inseamna ca mi-a placut neaparat si cand o bagi si in contextul mi se pare banal
Probabil miss nu m-ar considera scum si as ajunge in spectrul"daddy's girl"(aluziile astea cam freudiene nu mi-au placut clar )
Probabil miss nu m-ar considera scum si as ajunge in spectrul"daddy's girl"(aluziile astea cam freudiene nu mi-au placut clar )
moominlove's review against another edition
This was interesting lol. Gotta take it all with a grain of salt. I know she was entirely serious, but she was also very very hurt. I wish the world didn't fail Valerie like I wish the world didn't fail millions and millions and millions of women everywhere all the time.
"Just as humans have a prior right to existence over dogs by virtue of being more highly evolved and having a superior consciousness, so women have a prior right to existence over men. The elimination of any male is, therefore, a righteous and good act, an act highly beneficial to women as well as an act of mercy."
"Just as humans have a prior right to existence over dogs by virtue of being more highly evolved and having a superior consciousness, so women have a prior right to existence over men. The elimination of any male is, therefore, a righteous and good act, an act highly beneficial to women as well as an act of mercy."
cgabriella's review against another edition
i’ve been sitting with this book all morning and i cannot come up with a rating for a 1-5 scale, but look into valerie solanas and read her story and you would immediately go “well of course she wrote this.” my interest has been peaked and i will be learning more about this poor, powerful soul
meza_'s review against another edition
this was really fun to read, but i don't think I can rate it tbh
emily2348's review against another edition
points were made “everything he touches turns to shit”
noscalangaeaf's review against another edition
Apart from the homophobia and transphobia, it’s a good laugh
gemrob's review against another edition
i’m not gonna rate this because it’s obviously a radical satirical mess but i do have to say i am in love with ms. solanas and her goals amen