jenslate's review against another edition

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Really well-researched. Loved his witty remarks. Sometimes got too bogged down in the science for my taste. But great info overall.

gtiegen's review against another edition

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It was a long book but towards the end it surprises me how direct it goes. I geek about exercise and it was good to learn more about benefits from the scientific & antropological point of view. Especially about running and aerobic exercises.

josie_parsnip's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


rebeccajanereads's review against another edition

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funny informative slow-paced


“Let’s banish the myth that resting, relaxing, taking it easy, or whatever you want to call inactivity is an unnatural, indolent absence of physical activity. Let’s also refrain from stigmatizing anyone for being normal by avoiding nonessential exertion.”

As the cover shows, Lieberman wrote this book to talk through how humans evolved and why exercise is a needed part of modern life. Basically, contrary to some books I’d read in the past (I’m looking at you, Born to Run), humans are deeply programmed to conserve energy. The problem is, with modern conveniences, we don’t move nearly enough to offset the health problems we’ve developed in industrialized nations either.

Lieberman recommends finding whatever exercise works best for you—if it is fun and social, you’re more likely to do it.
Also I’m sure I learned many other interesting things but I started reading this book in February…par for the course for me and nonfiction 😂

g_man's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


I didn't read the book, but instead listened to it as an audiobook whilst exercising. Guess I am a convert, but it is still very informative to hear why we should exercise even if we never evolved to exercise. 

kcsmith18's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


nukedy's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


mmodo's review against another edition

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Excerised goes over the increase in disease in humans as society became more industrialized and left its hunter gatherer roots. I found this book to be off-putting and interesting at the same time.

I really wanted to read more about the anthropology behind exercise and how physical activity is applied to daily life in non-industrialized areas. While this book does provide this, it spends more time going back to modern industrialized societies to show how our worlds are just so different that that is why people have more health problems in countries like the US and UK.

I found the book to attempt to enlighten the reader by using studies to show that correlation doesn't equal causation and give examples of how too much exercise and not enough exercise can be damaging. What I really came away with after reading nearly 500 pages was that modern science doesn't really know anything conclusive other than exercise is good for humans. I happened to already know this. The myths mentioned were not statements I have heard much about and found the answers to be obvious. I am by no means a health or exercise expert either.

I was really disappointed that the book spent a lot of time on modern running and exercise culture without really going into depth about the physiology of how indigenous people exercise or other methods of modern exercise, such as weightlifting. I would have liked there to be more information on the evolution of exercise through the industrial revolution as well as studies commenting on weight lifting and other forms of exercise instead of just running.

While I think the author was trying to give the reader the ability to think critically about these modern issues and how they still need more work and action by sedentary people, I found the message to be lost in study after study being thrown at the reader giving conflicting messages. I really felt that I ran a mental marathon while reading this book and the message was lost by how exhausted I was to go through 464 pages, when this really could have been 300 pages.


jplennon's review against another edition

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I am having trouble rating this book because I’m having an intensely personal reaction to it now that I have finished. At the beginning, I was fascinated by Dr. Lieberman’s anthropological and evolutionary approach to understanding exercise and our reluctance to participate in it. I felt hopeful that he would provide a new way to think about exercise and health. But, the further I got into the book, the less I liked it.

To start with the positives, I do think it’s helpful to understand how our bodies have evolved to need physical activity. As I told my sister, part of me wanted to read this book and find out that we don’t need exercise to be healthy, but that is obviously and scientifically false. Dr. Lieberman proves that by walking us through studies of hunter-gatherers and their levels of physical activity in their daily lives. Additionally, Dr. Lieberman’s explanation of our inclination towards laziness is empathetic and reassuring. I also appreciate how he challenges various myths about activity and inactivity such as the suggestion that sitting is the new smoking (he clearly refutes this).

Now for my major qualms: Dr. Lieberman focuses mostly on running, he does not adequately discuss/explore the potential harm of over-exercise, he says that we should not shame people for being inactive but does not dive into the psychology/sociology of this, and he is redundant.

I don’t feel the need to expand on why I found the redundancy annoying, so I’ll start with Dr. Lieberman’s focus on running. In a book about exercise, I think it is fair to expect a discussion about multiple types of exercise. However, this book constantly and almost exclusively looks at the benefits of running. While Dr. Lieberman does offer solace that walking constitutes exercise, I still finished the book feeling like he suggested running is the best way to stay healthy. Furthermore, this focus on just running left out a significant discussion about the benefits of non-cardio exercise. Perhaps that’s what an evolutionary perspective would lead us to — that cardio is really what we need — but I wish he at least delved into the topic.

Next, let’s take the idea that laziness is natural and that shaming people for inactivity is wrong. I totally agree with this sentiment, but there were a couple of sentences saying exactly that and then nothing more!! This is where we need to expand the conversation about physical activity. We know that exercise is important for our health. But how can we create an environment that encourages people to exercise and have a healthy relationship with their bodies instead of scaring or shaming them? That’s the book I want to read.

Okay, so now we are at the thing that really got to me: Dr. Lieberman’s failure to even engage with the idea that over-exercise could be dangerous. He makes it abundantly clear that some exercise is better than none and that more is better than less. But when he says that there is really no such thing as too much exercise, he doesn’t do enough to prove the point. I could really go off about this and I could go off about it in many different directions, but I’m just going to focus on the thing most personal to me: eating disorders. In my experience, over-exercising is VERY real and INCREDIBLY dangerous. To not even mention this, to not even add a footnote about eating disorders seems almost criminal to me. In fact, I would discourage anyone who has had a troubled relationship with their body, their eating, or their exercising from reading this book. I don’t actually think I would recommend this book in general, but I think that especially for people in recovery, this is absolutely not what you need to read.

Again, I read this book hoping it would be a different perspective/view on exercise and that it would offer something new to the discussion about physical activity and inactivity in our society. Instead, it just provided different types of evidence for the same points that we already know. I believe we need to radically change the way we think about and discuss eating and moving in our society and I am disappointed that this book is just more of the same.

bplache's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced
